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Oracle Database Interview Question and Answer

Interview questions and Answers for Oracle Database Designing, Schema, PL SQL, Reports, Forms and DBA

Interview questions and answers for Oracle database development and database Administration. Oracle interview question including database concept, database architecture. Interview question and answer for oracle physical and logical database structure. Interview question and answers for oracle database designing, database implementation, administration, database objects, tables, views, triggers, index, primary key.

Oracle interview question for forms, reports, D2K, database security. database relations SQL languages DML, DCL, DDL and PL SQL. Oracle DBA interview question answers like Database tuning, Performance tuning, Log file, data file, table space, control file, security, reports, forms.

Oracle Database, PL SQL, D2K, Forms, Reports Interview Question and Answer

Oracle Database Administration Interview Questions and Answers

Oracle Database DBA Interview Question includes, Database Instance, Memory Structure, Background Process, Schema, Parallel Server, Cluster, Deadlock, Table Structure.

Oracle Cross Products and Matrix Reports Interview Questions and Answers

Oracle Cross Products and Matrix Reports Interview Questions includes, cross product creation, distinguished from a group, user exit used for, types of user exits, Oracle call interface, statement EXECIAFGET & EXECIAFPUT,use of SRW.MESSAGE function.

Oracle Managing Distributed Databases Interview Questions and Answers

Oracle Managing Distributed Databases Interview Questions and Answers, reduce the network traffic, snapshots, type of snapshots, dynamic data replication, Referential Integrity in snapshots, snapshot log, benefits of distributed options in databases.

Oracle Forms Interview Questions and Answers

Oracle Forms Interview Questions and Answers includes, What is a display item, list item, radio button, radio Group, styles of list items, visual attribute, visual attribute settings, window, root window, event triggers, canvas-view, Alert, display styles of an alert, Lov, showing lov at runtime, record Group, System Variables, library, Pl/SQL program units, file extension, pass the parameters, built-in routines, incorporate images into a oracle, trapping errors, predefined exception, menu items, Layout Editor, Types of modules, design facilities, block, types of Block, Navigable item.

Oracle Database Security Interview Questions and Answers

Oracle Database Security Interview Questions and Answers includes, use of Roles, default tablespace, Tablespace Quota, profile, Auditing, different Levels of Auditing, Statement Auditing, Privilege Auditing, Object Auditing, prevent unauthorized use of privileges, APPLICATION AWARENESS, SELECTIVE AVAILABILITY OF PRIVILEGES, DYNAMIC PRIVILEGE MANAGEMENT, REDUCED GRANTING OF PRIVILEGES.

Oracle Database Operation Backup and Recovery Interview Questions and Answers

Oracle Database Operation Backup and Recovery Interview Questions and Answers includes, steps involved in Database Startup, steps involved in Database Shutdown, Restricted Mode of Instance Startup, different modes of mounting a Database with the Parallel Server, full backup, Partial Backup, On-lineRedoLog, Mirrored on-line Redo Log, Archived Redo Log, Log Switch, Instance Recovery, Rolling back transactions.

Oracle Database Security and Administration Interview Questions and Answers

Oracle Database Security and Administration Interview Questions and Answers includes, user Account, security using stored procedures, dictionary tables, responsibilities of a Database Administrator, roles and user accounts, SYS user account, SYSTEM user account, administrator’s utilities, parameter file, DB_DOMAIN, CONTROL FILES, DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS, PROCESSES, ROLLBACK SEGMENTS, trace file, implement roles, ARCHIVELOG , enable automatic archiving, Archived log file name format and destination, ANALYZE command.

Oracle Data Access Interview Questions and Answers

Oracle Data Access Interview Questions and Answers includes, Transaction, COMMIT, ROLLBACK, SAVE POINT, Read-Only Transaction, function of Optimizer, Execution Plan, different approaches used by Optimizer, OPTIMIZER MODE Parameter, OPTIMIZER_GOAL, ALTER SESSION Command, OPTIMIZER_GOAL, RULE-based approach to optimization, COST-based approach to optimization.

Oracle Report Triggers Interview Questions and Answers

Oracle Report Triggers Interview Questions and Answers includes, triggers available in the reports, sequence of execution of the various report triggers, monitor the performance of the report, methods of performing a calculation in a report, group filter, format trigger, setting up of parameters in reports,, views available in the object navigator, possession, data modal editor, confine mode, Flex mode, drill down facility, pl/sql interpreter.

Oracle Managing Backup and Recovery Interview Questions and Answers

Oracle Managing Backup and Recovery Interview Questions and Answers includes, different methods of backing up oracle database, Logical Backups, Cold Backups, Hot Backups, export backups, EXP command, FILE option, COMPRESS option, GRANT option, INDEXES option, ROWS option, CONSTRAINTS option, FULL option, OWNER option, TABLES option, RECORD LENGTH option, INCTYPE option, RECORD option, PARFILE option, ANALYSE ( Ver 7) option, CONSISTENT (Ver 7) option, LOG (Ver 7, IMP command, FILE option, SHOW option, IGNORE option, GRANT option, INDEXES option, ROWS option.

Oracle Forms 3.0, 4.0 Basic Interview Questions and Answers

Oracle Forms 3.0, 4.0 Basic Interview Questions and Answers includes, SQL * FORMS, maximum size of a form, control the constraints, BASE TABLE, join condition, Trigger, types of TRIGGERS, key triggers, difference between a Function Key Trigger and Key Function Trigger, on-clear-block Trigger fire, trap the error in forms 3.0, ON-VALIDATE-FIELD trigger, PRE-QUERY Trigger, POST-QUERY Trigger, ON-VALIDATE-FIELD trigger, POST-CHANGE trigger, on-lock trigger, Navigational Trigge, keystartup and pre-form.

Oracle Package Procedure and Function Interview Questions and Answers

Oracle Package Procedure and Function Interview Questions and Answers includes, Package Procedure Restricted package procedure, Unrestricted package procedure, SYNCHRONIZE procedure, ERASE package procedure, difference between NAME_IN and COPY, How the command POST does differ from COMMIT, DEBUG mode, global variables, SYSTEM VARIABLES, difference between system.current_field and system.cursor_field, User Exits, page, popup pages, Popup Window, Alert.

Oracle System Architecture Interview Questions and Answers

Oracle System Architecture Interview Questions and Answers includes, ORACLE Instance, System Global Area (SGA), Database Buffers, Redo Log Buffers, Shared Pool, Shared SQL Area, Cursor, Program Global Area (PGA), User Process, Server Process, Server Configurations, Multi-threaded Server Configuration, ORACLE Background Process, Parallel Server option, DBWR, LGWR, checkpoint (CKPT), System Monitor (SMON), Process Monitor (PMON), Archiver (ARCH) ,RECOver (RECO), Dispatcher (Dnnn), Dispatcher Processe, Lock (LCKn).

Oracle SQL Plus Statements Interview Questions and Answers

Oracle SQL Plus Statements Interview Questions and Answers includes, types of SQL Statement, transaction, difference between TRUNCATE & DELETE, different types of joins, Subquery, correlated sub-query, Connect by Prior, Difference between SUBSTR and INSTR, UNION, MINUS, UNION ALL, INTERSECT, ROWID, Integrity Constraint, Referential Integrity, usage of SAVEPOINTS, ON DELETE CASCADE, data types, difference between CHAR and VARCHAR, LONG columns, pre requisites, Data Dictionary, database link, Sequence name CURRVAL, Sequence name NEXTVAL, CYCLE/NO CYCLE, advantages of VIEW.

Oracle Logical and Physical Architecture of Database Interview Questions and Answers

Oracle Logical and Physical Architecture of Database Interview Questions and Answers includes, Database Buffers, dictionary cache, recursive hints, redo log buffer, table space , Optional Flexible Architecture (OFA), rollback segment, free extent, role of PCTFREE parameter, OPTIMAL parameter, functionality of SYSTEM table space, rollback segments, space utilisation, space allocation, non-clustered table, Control file, multiple control files, Redo Log file mirroring, advantage of having disk shadowing/ Mirroring, hit ratio, released segment, disadvantages of having raw devices, accuracy of the estimations.

Oracle Basics of Pl SQL Interview Questions and Answers

Oracle Basics of Pl SQL Interview Questions and Answers includes , PL/SQL, iteration, conditional branching, components of a PL/SQL block, datatypes a available in PL/SQL, % TYPE and % ROWTYPE, difference between % ROWTYPE and TYPE RECORD, PL/SQL table, Cursor is a named private SQL area, types of Cursors, PL/SQL Statements, cursor attributes, cursor for loop, usages of database trigger, Exception, types of Exception, Pragma EXECPTION_INIT, Raise_application_error, return values of functions SQLCODE and SQLERRM, Pre_defined_exceptions, difference between a PROCEDURE & FUNCTION, advantages of Stored Procedures, parts of a procedure, structure of the procedure, parts of package, User_objects, User_Source and User_error.

Oracle Reports Interview Questions and Answers

Oracle Reports Interview Questions and Answers includes, different file extensions that are created by oracle reports, designation, lexical reference, bind reference, use of command line parameter cmd file, external pl/sql library executed, default parameter, read level consistency, term, link property sheet, place holder column, hidden column, break group, anchors, matrix object, layout editor of the report writer, term panel, anchoring object, frame & repeating frame.

Oracle Concepts and Architecture Interview Questions and Answers

Oracle Concepts and Architecture Interview Questions and Answers includes, Physical database, structure of Oracle Database, components of Logical database, Tablespace, SYSTEM tablespace, relationship among Database, schema, Schema Objects, Table, View, Sequence, Synonym, Private Synonyms, Public Synonyms, Index, Indexes Update, Clusters, cluster Key, Index Cluster, Hash Cluster, Database Link, Private Database Link, Public Database Link, Network Database link, Data Block, Row Chaining, an Extent, Segment, Data Segment, Rollback Segment, Data Segment, Temporary Segment, Characteristics of Data Files, Redo Log, function of Redo Log, Control file, Data Dictionary, difference between UNIQUE constraint and PRIMARY KEY constraint, Referential Integrity, self-referential integrity constraint, Limitations of a CHECK Constraint.

Oracle Forms D2K 4.5 and 6i Interview Questions and Answers

Oracle Forms 4.5 and 6i D2k Interview Questions and Answers includes, object groups, canvas views, canvas properties, different modals of windows, display console on a window, remove on exit property, different types of modules available in oracle form, master detail relationship, coordination Event, block coordination, types of Complex master-detail relationships, User-Named Editor, Built-ins, LOV of Validation, record group, Record group Column, Query Record Group, Non Query Record Group, Static Record Group, parameters, Oracle Products, reference a Parameter, parameter indirectly, boiler plat images, image items, various sub events, OLE, visual attributes, property clause, Text_io Package, synchronize, User_exit, pop list, combo box, display items, library, new_form built-in, strip source generate options, vbx controls, Difference between post database commit and post-form commit, difference between pre-select and pre-query, transactional triggers.

Home > Interview Question and Answer > Oracle PL SQL, Forms, Reports and DBA