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Latest Machine Learning Project Ideas

Machine Learning Projects

Download Machine Learning Project Source Code, Python ML Project, Database Script, Project Report, Synopsis, Project Proposal, Project document PDF, Final Year ML Project Topic and Project Ideas

Keywords : MCA Machine Learning Project, BCA Machine Learning Project, BE ML Project, BTECH Machine Learning Project, Machine Learning Project, Final Year Machine Learning project, Machine Learning Project for Student, Python Machine Learning Project, ML Project with Source Code Download. Computer science project on ML..

Machine Learning Project Topics

  1. Analyzing selling price of used cars using Python using Machine Learning
  2. Autism Prediction using Machine Learning 
  3. Bitcoin Price Prediction using Machine Learning in Python
  4. Black and white image colorization with OpenCV and Deep Learning using Machine Learning
  5. Box Office Revenue Prediction Using Linear Regression in ML
  6. Calories Burnt Prediction using Machine Learning
  7. Cartooning an Image using OpenCV – Python using Machine Learning
  8. CIFAR-10 Image Classification in TensorFlow using Machine Learning
  9. Count number of Faces using Python – OpenCV using Machine Learning
  10. Count number of Object using Python-OpenCV using Machine Learning
  11. Credit Card Fraud Detection using Machine Learning
  12. Customer Segmentation using Unsupervised Machine Learning in Python
  13. Detecting Spam Emails Using Tensorflow in Python using Machine Learning
  14. Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning
  15. Dogecoin Price Prediction with Machine Learning
  16. Facebook Sentiment Analysis using python using Machine Learning
  17. Fake News Detection Model using TensorFlow in Python using Machine Learning
  18. Fake News Detection using Machine Learning
  19. Flipkart Reviews Sentiment Analysis using Python using Machine Learning
  20. Handwritten Digit Recognition using Neural Network using Machine Learning
  21. House Price Prediction using Machine Learning in Python
  22. Human Scream Detection and Analysis for Controlling Crime Rate using Machine Learning
  23. Identifying handwritten digits using Logistic Regression in PyTorch using Machine Learning
  24. Inventory Demand Forecasting using Machine Learning in Python
  25. IPL Score Prediction Using Deep Learning using Machine Learning
  26. Loan Approval Prediction using Machine Learning
  27. Loan Eligibility prediction using Machine Learning Models in Python
  28. Medical Insurance Price Prediction using Machine Learning in Python
  29. Microsoft Stock Price Prediction with Machine Learning
  30. ML | Boston Housing Kaggle Challenge with Linear Regression
  31. ML | Credit Card Fraud Detection
  32. OCR of Handwritten digits | OpenCV using Machine Learning
  33. Ola Bike Ride Request Forecast using ML
  34. Online Payment Fraud Detection using Machine Learning in Python
  35. Parkinson’s Disease Prediction using Machine Learning in Python
  36. Predict Fuel Efficiency Using Tensorflow in Python using Machine Learning
  37. Predicting Stock Price Direction using Support Vector Machines
  38. Prediction of Wine type using Deep Learning using Machine Learning
  39. Python | Classify Handwritten Digits with Tensorflow using Machine Learning
  40. Python | Customer Churn Analysis Prediction using Machine Learning
  41. Rainfall Prediction using Machine Learning in Python
  42. Recognizing HandWritten Digits in Scikit Learn using Machine Learning
  43. Recommendation System in Python using Machine Learning
  44. Sales Forecast Prediction – Python using Machine Learning
  45. Share Price Forecasting Using Facebook Prophet using Machine Learning
  46. SMS Spam Detection using TensorFlow in Python using Machine Learning
  47. Spaceship Titanic Project using Machine Learning in Python
  48. Stock Price Prediction Project using TensorFlow using Machine Learning
  49. Stock Price Prediction using Machine Learning in Python
  50. Text Detection and Extraction using OpenCV and OCR using Machine Learning
  51. Twitter Sentiment Analysis using Python using Machine Learning
  52. Vehicle Count Prediction From Sensor Data using Machine Learning
  53. Waiter’s Tip Prediction using Machine Learning
  54. Wine Quality Prediction using Machine Learning
  55. Zillow Home Value (Zestimate) Prediction in ML
  56. 3D Face Reconstruction using CNN using Machine Learning
  57. Age Detection using Deep Learning in OpenCV using Machine Learning
  58. AI-Driven Snake Game using Deep Q Learning using Machine Learning
  59. Air Quality Index Analysis using Machine Learning
  60. Amazon Bestselling Books Analysis using Machine Learning
  61. Amazon Product Reviews Sentiment Analysis using Machine Learning
  62. Anomaly Detection with ARIMA Model using Machine Learning
  63. Artificial Intelligence Project Chess Game Python using Machine Learning
  64. Assessing Car Damage with Convolutional Neural Networks using Machine Learning
  65. Autocorrect Feature Using NLP In Python using Machine Learning
  66. Autocorrect with Python using Machine Learning
  67. Automated Essay Grading using Machine Learning
  68. Automatic Brand Logo detection using Deep learning using Machine Learning
  69. Automatic detection of nanoparticles in tissue sections using Machine Learning
  70. Automatic Landmark classification using Deep Learning using Machine Learning
  71. Automatic License Number Plate Recognition System using Machine Learning
  72. Automatic Music Generation using Machine Learning
  73. Barbie with Brains Project using Machine Learning
  74. Bike Share Usage Prediction in London using Machine Learning
  75. Birth Rate Analysis using Machine Learning
  76. Births Forecasting with Machine Learning
  77. Bitcoin Price Prediction with Machine Learning
  78. Bitcoin Price Predictor Project using Machine Learning
  79. Black and white image colorization with OpenCV and Deep Learning using Machine Learning
  80. Bone Segmentation MRI Scans using Machine Learning
  81. Book Recommendation System using Machine Learning
  82. Boston Housing Data analysis using Machine Learning
  83. Brain Tumor Detection Project using Machine Learning
  84. Breast Cancer Classification Project using Machine Learning
  85. Build a Virtual Assistant using Machine Learning
  86. Cancer cell classification using Scikit-learn using Machine Learning
  87. Cartoonify Image with Machine Learning
  88. Cartoonifying an Image using Machine Learning
  89. Cat & Dog Classification using Convolutional Neural Network in Python using Machine Learning
  90. Catching Illegal Fishing Project using Machine Learning
  91. Cats vs Dogs using Machine Learning
  92. Cervical Cancer Prediction using Machine Learning
  93. Chatbot Project Using Deep Learning using Machine Learning
  94. Chess AI using Machine Learning
  95. Color recognition using neural networks to determine the ripeness of a banana using Machine Learning
  96. Colourizing Old B&W Images using Machine Learning
  97. Converting voice to text using Machine Learning
  98. Covid-19 Cases Prediction Project using Machine Learning
  99. Create a 3D Video Animation using Machine Learning
  100. Credit Card Fraud Detection Project using Machine Learning
  101. Crime Data Analysis in Machine Learning
  102. Crop Yield Prediction using KNN classification using Machine Learning
  103. Crude Oil Prediction using SVR & Linear Regression using Machine Learning
  104. Customer Segmentation using Machine Learning
  105. Customer Spending classification using K means clustering using Machine Learning
  106. Deep Learning food image recognition system for cooking recipe retrieval using Machine Learning
  107. Deepfake Detection using Machine Learning
  108. Detect and Recognize Car License Plate from a video in real-time using Machine Learning
  109. Detecting COVID-19 From Chest X-Ray Images using CNN using Machine Learning
  110. Detecting Covid-19 with Chest X-ray using Machine Learning
  111. Detecting Impersonators in Examination Centres using AI using Machine Learning
  112. Detecting Parkinson’s Disease using Machine Learning
  113. Detection and counting of blood cells with deep learning using Machine Learning
  114. Determining Mood From Facial Expressions using Machine Learning
  115. Diamonds Analysis using Machine Learning
  116. Dog Breed Classification using Transfer Learning using Machine Learning
  117. Dog’s Breed Identification Project using Machine Learning
  118. Driver Drowsiness Detection System using Machine Learning
  119. Earthquake Prediction Project with Machine Learning
  120. Editing natural photos using Generative Neural Networks using Machine Learning
  121. Email Filtering Project using Machine Learning
  122. Emoji Prediction using Machine Learning
  123. Emojify – Create your own emoji using Machine Learning
  124. Emojify – Create your own emoji with Python using Machine Learning
  125. Emojify using Face Recognition with Machine Learning
  126. Employee Attrition Prediction Project using Machine Learning
  127. Enron Investigation Project using Machine Learning
  128. Face Aging Project using Machine Learning
  129. Face and Hand Landmarks Detection using Python using Machine Learning
  130. Face detection based attendance system using Machine Learning
  131. Face Emotion recognition project using Machine Learning
  132. Face Mask Detection using Machine Learning
  133. Face Recognition based Criminal Identification system using Machine Learning
  134. FaceMask Detection using TensorFlow in Python using Machine Learning
  135. Fake Currency Detection using Machine Learning
  136. Fake News Detection Project using Machine Learning
  137. Fake Product Review Detection using Machine Learning
  138. Fashion Recommendation System using Machine Learning
  139. Fine-tuning the BERT model for Sentiment Analysis using Machine Learning
  140. Flower Recognition using Machine Learning
  141. Flower Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Network using Machine Learning
  142. Food Classification with Deep Learning in Keras / Tensorflow using Machine Learning
  143. GDP Analysis using Machine Learning
  144. Gender and Age Detection using Machine Learning
  145. Gender classification using Machine Learning
  146. Gender Recognition Using Voice using Machine Learning
  147. Generate Human Faces using Machine Learning
  148. Gold Price Prediction using Machine Learning
  149. Grocery Recommender System Using Collaborative Filtering using Machine Learning
  150. Handwritten Character Recognition using Machine Learning
  151. Handwritten character Recognition using TensorFlow using Machine Learning
  152. Handwritten Digit Recognition using TensorFlow using Machine Learning
  153. Hate Speech Detection using Machine Learning
  154. Hate Speech Detection using Deep Learning using Machine Learning
  155. Heart Disease Prediction using ANN using Machine Learning
  156. Heart Disease Prediction Using Logistic Regression using Machine Learning
  157. Heart Disease Prediction using Machine Learning
  158. Home Electricity Load Forecasting using Machine Learning
  159. Housing Prices Prediction Project using Machine Learning
  160. How can Tensorflow be used with the abalone dataset to build a sequential model? using Machine Learning
  161. Human Activity Recognition – Using Deep Learning Model using Machine Learning
  162. Human Activity Recognition using Smartphone Data using Machine Learning
  163. Human Face Detection Project using Machine Learning
  164. Human Face recognition using Machine Learning
  165. Human Pose Estimation using Machine Learning
  166. Hypo Thyroid Disease prediction Machine Learning
  167. Image Animation using First Order Motion Model using Machine Learning
  168. Image Caption Generator Project using Machine Learning
  169. Image Caption Generator using Deep Learning on Flickr8K dataset using Machine Learning
  170. Image Classification using Machine Learning
  171. Image Deblurring using Generative Adversarial Networks using Machine Learning
  172. Image Recognition using PyTorch using Machine Learning
  173. Image Segmentation Using TensorFlow using Machine Learning
  174. Image Segmentation with Machine Learning
  175. Implementation of Movie Recommender System using Machine Learning
  176. Income Classification using Machine Learning
  177. Instance Segmentation Project using Machine Learning
  178. Insurance Claim Prediction Machine Learning Project
  179. Intrusion Detection System Using Machine Learning Algorithms
  180. Investigate Enron Fraud Analysis using Machine Learning
  181. Iris Flowers Classification Project using Machine Learning
  182. Kaggle Breast Cancer Wisconsin Diagnosis using KNN and Cross-Validation using Machine Learning
  183. Kaggle Breast Cancer Wisconsin Diagnosis using Logistic Regression using Machine Learning
  184. Keyword Extraction Project using Machine Learning
  185. Keyword Research with Python & ml
  186. Lane-Line Detection System using Machine Learning
  187. Language Translator using Machine Learning
  188. Learning Gladiator Machine Learning projects
  189. License Plate Recognition with OpenCV and Tesseract OCR using Machine Learning
  190. Lip Reading – Cross Audio-Visual Recognition using 3D Architectures using Machine Learning
  191. Loan Prediction using Machine Learning
  192. Lung Cancer Detection using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) using Machine Learning
  193. Lung Cancer Detection Using Transfer Learning using Machine Learning
  194. Lung Segmentation Project with Machine Learning
  195. Market Basket Analysis using Apriori Algorithm using Machine Learning
  196. MNIST Digit Classification Machine Learning Project
  197. Mood Detection with Tweets using Machine Learning
  198. Movie Character Recognition From Video And Images using Machine Learning
  199. Movie recommendation based on emotion in Python using Machine Learning
  200. Movie Recommendation System using Machine Learning
  201. Movie recommendation using collaborative filtering using Machine Learning
  202. Multiclass image classification using Transfer learning using Machine Learning
  203. Music Genre Classification using Machine Learning
  204. Music Genre Classification Machine Learning Project
  205. Music Recommendation System Using Machine Learning
  206. Named Entity Recognition using Machine Learning
  207. Network Intrusion Detection using Machine Learning
  208. Network Security Analysis using Machine Learning
  209. Next Sentence Prediction using BERT using Machine Learning
  210. Next Word Prediction using Machine Learning
  211. NLP analysis of Restaurant reviews using Machine Learning
  212. Object Detection using Tensorflow using Machine Learning
  213. Online Grocery Recommendation using Collaborative Filtering using Machine Learning
  214. Online Shopping Intention Analysis using Machine Learning
  215. OpenAI Gym in Machine Learning
  216. Opening multiple color windows using Machine Learning
  217. Outlier Detection Project using Machine Learning
  218. Painting AI – Deep Reinforcement Learning model that produces paintings using strokes using Machine Learning
  219. Pedestrian Detection using Machine Learning
  220. Personality Prediction Project using Machine Learning
  221. Photo to Emoji using Machine Learning
  222. Plagiarism checker using Machine Learning
  223. Play a video in reverse mode using Machine Learning
  224. Pneumonia detection Project using deep learning using Machine Learning
  225. Pneumonia Detection using Deep Learning using Machine Learning
  226. Poker Hand Prediction using Machine Learning
  227. Predict Car Prices with Machine Learning
  228. Predict Customer Churn using Machine Learning
  229. Predict Diabetes with Machine Learning
  230. Predict Fuel Efficiency using Machine Learning
  231. Predict Migration with Machine Learning
  232. Predict Tinder Matches with Machine Learning
  233. Predicting House Prices Using Linear Regression using Machine Learning
  234. Prediction of consumer credit risk using Machine Learning
  235. Rainfall Prediction with Machine Learning
  236. Real-Time Flight Path Optimization using Machine Learning
  237. Recipe Recommendation system using K means clustering using Machine Learning
  238. Recognition and Classification of Fast Food Images using Machine Learning
  239. Residual Networks (ResNet) – Deep Learning using Machine Learning
  240. Restaurant Recommendation System using Machine Learning
  241. Restaurant Review Analysis Using NLP and SQLite using Machine Learning
  242. Resume Screening using Machine Learning
  243. RFM Analysis Project using Machine Learning
  244. Salary Prediction Project using Machine Learning
  245. San Francisco Crime Analysis using Machine Learning
  246. Saving Operated Video from a webcam using Machine Learning
  247. Sentiment Analysis using Machine Learning
  248. Sentiment Analysis with Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) using Machine Learning
  249. Sentiment Classification Using BERT using Machine Learning
  250. Sequence Classification with LSTM RNN in Python with Keras using Machine Learning
  251. Sign language recognition using Machine Learning
  252. Sign Language Recognition with Machine Learning
  253. Skin Cancer Classification with Machine Learning
  254. Skin Cancer Detection using TensorFlow using Machine Learning
  255. SMS Spam Detection with Machine Learning
  256. Spam Comments Detection using Machine Learning
  257. Spam Detector using Machine Learning
  258. Speech Emotion Recognition using Machine Learning
  259. Speech Emotion Recognition Machine Learning Project
  260. Speech Recognition in Python using Google Speech API using Machine Learning
  261. Stock Price Prediction Project using Machine Learning
  262. Stock Price Prediction using Machine Learning
  263. Stress Detection in words using Machine Learning
  264. Students’ Marks Prediction Using Linear Regression using Machine Learning
  265. Supermarket Sales Analysis using Machine Learning
  266. Ted Talks Recommendation System with Machine Learning
  267. Tensorflow hand detection Project using Machine Learning
  268. Text Generation Project using Machine Learning
  269. Text Summarizer using Machine Learning
  270. Time Series with LSTM using Machine Learning
  271. Titanic data clustering on survived data using Machine Learning
  272. Titanic Survival Prediction Project using Machine Learning
  273. Titanic Survival Project using Machine Learning
  274. Title Generator with Machine Learning
  275. Traffic Sign Classification using Machine Learning
  276. Traffic Signs Recognition using CNN and Keras in Python using Machine Learning
  277. Twitter Hashtag Prediction using Machine Learning
  278. Uber Data Analysis Project using Machine Learning
  279. Unsupervised Face Clustering Pipeline using Machine Learning
  280. Vehicle counting for traffic management using Machine Learning
  281. Video Surveillance using Machine Learning
  282. Voice Assistant using python using Machine Learning
  283. Wal-Mart Sales Prediction using Machine Learning
  284. Weather Prediction using Machine Learning
  285. Wine Quality Test Project using Machine Learning
  286. Xbox Game Prediction Project using Machine Learning
  287. Yelp Recommendation Project using Machine Learning
  288. Yolo object detection Project using Machine Learning
  289. YouTube Trending Videos Analysis using Machine Learning
  290. Youtube video recommendation system using Machine Learning

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