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Project Description : In competitive, undistorted markets with well-defined property rights, the revenues generated by an investment project measure the value that the output of the project generates for its users, and the money costs of the project measure the value (or opportunity cost) of resources used in producing the output. In other words, prices for inputs and outputs are valid measures of value and scarcity. In addition, since projects tend to be marginal in relation to the size of the economy at large, they do not affect prices more than marginally, and hence there is no need to make additional considerations about consumer or producer surplus. Under such circumstances, the financial return on capital of the project would be a necessary and sufficient indicator to determine whether the project is worth undertaking or not from the social welfare point of view. The standard economic appraisal technique, which helps assess the socio-economic desirability of the project, is cost-benefit analysis (CBA). It is designed to produce a measure of project returns corrected for the various distortions and constraints to markets mentioned above. The outcome of a CBA is summarised in two complementary figures – the economic rate of return (ERR) and the economic net present value (ENPV). A project is accepted if the ERR is equal to or exceeds a certain threshold (the social discount rate). The ENPV of a project is the difference between discounted benefits and costs at a given discount rate. The correct discount rate equals the threshold rate just mentioned. Projects are accepted if the ENPV is positive. The overall appraisal of a project by the Projects Directorate also involves technical, environmental and procurement is to aspects. More broadly, every Bank operation also involves credit and legal assessments. Scope of this project study on economic appraisal and know how bank perform economic appraisal for credit processing.
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