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Project Description : Millions of investors rely on mutual funds as their primary investments because they offer a convenient, cost-effective and easy way to invest in the financial markets. The Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) regulates this fast growing industry and it is the representative body of all mutual funds in the country. Every mutual fund has a goal - either growing its assets (capital gains) and/or generating income (dividends) for its investors. Distribution in the form of capital gains (short-term and long-term) and dividends may be passed on (paid) to the shareholders as income or reinvested to purchase more shares. A mutual fund is valued daily and reports a price known as a Net Asset Value (NAV) per share. In its simplest Form, a NAV is the total value of all the securities held in a fund divided by the total number of shares owned by its shareholders. As the price of the NAV increases or decreases, the shareholder's value will increase or decrease. Investor can invest in SIP for a smarter and risk free way to invest in mutual fund. Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) is a simple process of investing in mutual funds similar to a recurring deposit in a bank. It is designed to help investors like you save regularly and in small amounts and thus accumulate wealth in a disciplined manner over the long-term, thereby ensuring a better future for you and your family.
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Home > CS Project > Project Synopsis Downlaod > Systematic Investment Plan as a stability builder for Retail Investor (MBA Finance)
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