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Home > CS Project > Project 1. eBilling System - VB6 + MS Access

Live Project - 1. eBilling and Invoice System

eBilling and Invoice System - Free download of Readymade Complete Live Project Visual Basic, VB.NET, C#, ASP.NET, SQL Server Source Code for final year college student, project submission of BE, BSC-IT, BCA, MCA, MBA, IGNOU, SMU, DOEACC. Download Includes Project Abstract Synopsis, Project Report, Demo, Flow Chart, DFD, Data Dictionary, Requirement Analysis, SRS, Flow Chart, Documentation.

eBilling and Invoice System is a live project written in Visual Basic 6 programming language. It is a working solution. I give you complete project listing with all project file, source code, database, crystal reports. You can use this project as you want. I am not claim any copyright for this project. You can free download all the project documentation, project source code, project executable files, database from download link. Code are well commented for your reference, however if you want any clarification you can contact me for further explanation. click here to view online demo of this application.

Need more projects, click here to get more than 500 unique academic project idea in different programming languages. Download this project concept, abstract, SRS, source code to complete project for your college submission.

Working and installtion demo of this project

Who can use this project ?

  • Commercial visual basic application developer can use this project as a whole or part of it as required.
  • Student who are submitting their final year project for BE, BCA, BSC-IT, MCA, MS, this project is well commented, ready made project documentation available for submission.
  • Who want to learn database programming in visual basic.
  • Who want to know how to develop commercial application from project requirement to implementation and  final documentation.
  • Win API Programming in visual basic.
  • How to create report in Crystal Report and integrate with visual basic application.

The client uses MS Excel, and maintains their product list, customer list, and prints the invoice, however it is not possible them to share the data from multiple system in multi user environment, there is lot of duplicate work, and chance of mistake. When the product price are changed they need to update each and every excel file. There is no option to find and print previous saved invoice. There is no security; any body can access any report and sensitive data, also no reports to find out the sales volume, stock list, and summary report. This eBilling and invoicing system is used to overcome the entire problem which they are facing currently, and making complete atomization of manual billing and invoicing system.

Project Scope
From an end-user perspective, the eBilling and Invoicing Project consists of two functional elements: an enhanced searchable database for customer, products, billing generation system and a report generation system.
Customer, Products, Billing Generation
An enhanced atomized system is developed to maintain Customer, Product, order, order details data and produce Bill and invoice with following features.

  • The system operator will be able to Add, Edit and search the product. Also the operator can delete the product; update the cost of the product as per the rights given to the operator by the administrator.

  • By using their own account, sales staff will be able to place orders through the system. In addition, sales staff will be able to apply discounts in accord with the current sales policy.

  • Improved search capabilities of product information will be available; It will display all the details of the particular product with current stock quantity.

  • Prices and order information will be expressible in international currency and date/time formats.

  • After placing the order system automatically print the invoice with pre printed stationary with all the details.

  • Searching of previously generated invoice is also available; Operator can search the previously saved invoice by system generated unique invoice no.

  • Importing the old stock into the system, it imports the old stock from predefined MS Excel file.

  • Maintain the user master and security features.

Report Generation System
A Report Generation system will be developed for the user and management of eBilling and Invoicing System. This MIS system will have both details and summary type reports for analysis the sales volume, sales trend, available stock, The Windows-based MIS application will include the following features:

  • Billing summary report, it has the selection criteria for the date range.

  • Stock Details and stock summary reports, It shows every details of the stock and can be used to monitor the sales pattern.

  • All reports can be exported in different format includes Text File, CSV File, MS Excel, MS Word File.

  • All report can be printed from any type of printer.

  • Bill and invoice can be printed in pre printed stationary.

Usage Summary
eBilling and Invoicing System Version 1.0 will address the following use cases. The complete usage scenarios will be completed during the information-gathering process. Use cases will be created and prioritized. Selected use cases will be expanded into usage scenarios and features that are derived from both use cases and the usage scenarios, as represented in the following diagram:


After analysis the requirement we decide that we need to create

  • Product master module, where we import all product data from MS Excel.
  • Company Master to maintain company details.
  • Client master to maintain client name address.
  • Bill master where we maintain bill details like bill no, bill date, client details, etc.
  • Bill Details where we maintain details transaction like product, quantity, rate etc.
  • Reports in Crystal Report for easy print and export options.

Software used

  • Front End : Visual Basic 6
    For fast development, easy to deployment and maintain.

  • Back End : MS Access 2003
    Client already have MS Office installed in their system, nos of user are 3 only.

  • Report : Crystal Report 8.5
    Easy to create, ability to print and select printer, can export report in different format including MS Excel, easily integrate with Visual Basic 6.

Some important coding features you can get from this project.

  • How to convert MSFlexGrid as editable text box and drop down list box.
  • How to format MS-Excel worksheet with border color, back ground color, text color and change column width in visual basic.
  • Convert Rupees to amount in word like 123.50 will convert into "Rupees one hundred twenty three and fifty paise only"
  • How to connect and show crystal report from visual basic application.

Download the project documentation, source code, database and report files.

Download Type Download File Size in KB No of times download
1. Project Documentation 590 137214
  515 102279
2. Project Source Code 95 111215

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Home > CS Project > Project 1. eBilling System - VB6 + MS Access