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IT, CS, Project Management Interview Question and Answer

IT, Software, Database, DBA, Project Management, Interview Question and answers for fresher, experience professional in VB6, VB.Net, C#, ASP, COM, DCOM, COM+, ASP.Net, Crystal Report, Oracle, SQL Server, MySql, PHP, XML, AJAX, MVC, JQUERY, Android, PM, Etc.

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HRIT-HR Interview Question and Answer

HR Round Intrview Question and Answers. Salary Negotiation for IT job. Non IT/Software/Database and HR Round related questions

VB6Visual Basic 6.0 (VB6) Interview Question and Answers

VB 6 interview questions includes, using controls, activex, object oriented programming (OOP) concept, in-process and out-process server, creating and using dlls, user controls, data access technology like Data Access Object (DAO), Activex Data Object (ADO), Setup and deployment, registering component, using data reports, Windows application programming interface (WIN API).

VB.Net & C#Visual Basic .NET, C# Interview Question and Answers

Interview questions and answers for VB.Net and C#, Interview question and answers for Microsoft .NET Framework, CLR. Interview question and answers for ADO.NET, Interview question and answers for basics of Microsoft Visual Studio .NET and Visual Basic .NET / C# including Classes, OOPS, Syntaxes, Data access technologies, security. Interview question and answers for XML Web services, COM+, Server component.

JAVAJAVA Interview Question and Answers

Java interview questions and answers. Core java interview questions, OOPs interview questions, String Handling interview questions, Multithreading interview questions, collection interview questions, JDBC interview questions etc.

OOPSOOPS Interview Question and Answers

Interview questions and answers for OOPS, oops interview questions and answers for experienced in java and .NET. Interview questions and Answers for OOPS, Basics of OOPS, Oject, Class, Abstraction, Encapsulation, Encapsulation, Inheritance, constructor, constructor. Interview Qusetion and Answers for exception handling.

Entity Framework.NET Entity Framework Interview Question and Answers

Interview questions and answers for Entity Framework. ADO.NET Entity Framework interview questions and answers for freshers and experienced dot net developers on Entity framework basics, architecture, Data Model, Client Data Provider, DB Context, difference between framework, LINQ & SQL etc

Web DevelopmentWeb Development, HTML, Scripting and Web Programming

Interview question and answers for HTML, HTML5, CSS, Scripting, Java Script, IIS, Web Hosting, Web Security.

ASPActive Server Pages (Classic ASP)

Interview questions and answers for Active server pages (ASP), Classic ASP Server objects, ASP application and session objects, IIS, global.asa file, ASP and VB Scripts. ADO data access technologies. Interview question and answer for ASP forms collections, File system objects.

ASP .NETASP .NET Interview Question and Answers

Interview question and answers for ASP.Net configuration, authentication, ADO.NET. framework, CLR, CLS, CLI, server control. .ASP.NET interview question and answers for server side and client side validation control. Interview question and answers for ASP.NET web and custom control, XML Web services, Application and session objects

ASP .NET MVCASP.NET MVC Interview Question and Answers

Interview question and answers for ASP.Net MVC, Model View Cotroller Concept, Features of MVC, Adveneteges of MVC, Page Life Cycle of MVC, View Engine, Routing, ViewBag, ViewData, TempData, Action, JSON, AJAX

PHPPHP Interview Question and Answers

Interview question and answers for PHP. PHP Session, PHP Errors, Array, Variable, Functions, Include, File Handling, Upload and Download, Database Connection, Read Records, DML Operation, MySQL. PHP Interview Questions for beginners and professionals.

Database GeneralDatabase General Interview Question and Answers

IT Interview questions and answers for Database general concept, database design concept including normalization. database objects tables, views, indexes, triggers, stored procedure. database relationship, constraints, joins.

OracleOracle Database Designing, DBA, PL SQL, Forms, Reports

Oracle interview question for DBA, PL SQL, Forms and Reports. database relations SQL languages DML, DCL, DDL and PL SQL. Oracle DBA interview question answers like Database tuning, Performance tuning, Log file, data file, table space, control file, security, reports, forms..

MS SQL ServerMicrosoft SQL Server Interview Question and Answers

Interview question and answers for Microsoft SQL Server database concept, TSQL, DML, DDL, DCL Query, DB designing and administration. database objects tables, views, stored procedure, triggers, constraints.

MySQLMYSQL Interview Question and Answers

Interview question and answers for MySQL Server database concept, TSQL, DML, DDL, DCL Query, DB designing and administration. database objects tables, views, stored procedure, triggers, constraints.

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