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Software Project Management & Quality Assurance

This is the collection of Sikkim Manipal University (SMU) question and answers for Software Project Management & Quality Assurance. It will help to prepare your examination. All question paper are classified as per semester, subject code and question type of Part A, Part B and Part C with multiple choice options as same as actual examination. SMU question papers includes year 2024, 2023, 2022 Sem I, II, III, IV, V, VI examinations of all subjects.

SMU question test set of old, last and previous year are updated regularly and it is absolutely free to use. Question paper includes Visual basic 6, VB.Net, C#, ASP.Net, Web, Oracle, Database, SQL, Software Engineering, C, C++, OOPS, MBA, MCA, BSC IT I have requested you kindly send me the question paper of Software Project Management & Quality Assurance, SMU - Master of Computer Application.

Course Name        MCA (Master of Computer Application)

Subject Code       MC0084 (Software Project Management & Quality Assurance)

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Software Project Management & Quality Assurance Syllabus.

Part 1 An Introduction to Software Development Organization and Roles
Introduction; The Management Spectrum – People, Process, Product, Project; Organizational Structures; IT and Organizational Structures; Hierarchical; Organizational Structure; Flat Organizational Structure; Matrix Organizational Structure; Networked Organizational Structure; T-Form Organization; Job Roles in Software Development:

Part 2 Overview of Project Management
Introduction to Software Project Management; Factors influencing Project Management; Project Manager; Project Management activities; Stakeholders; Project Communication; Project Development Phases; Project charter; Statement of Work (SOW); Project Management Associations

Part 3 Project Planning
Introduction; Tasks in Project Planning; Work Breakdown Structures (WBS); Development Life cycle models; A generic project model:

Part 4 Estimation and Budgeting of Projects
Introduction; Software Cost Estimation; Software Cost Estimation Methods; Comparison of Methods; Cost Estimation Guidelines; COCOMO model; The Basic COCOMO Model; The Intermediate COCOMO Model
Introduction to COCOMO II; Budgeting; Capital budgeting; NPV; ROI; Payback models:

Part 5 Project Scheduling
Introduction; Scheduling Techniques; PERT Technique; Gantt Chart; Critical Path Method; Automated Tools

Part 6 Risk Management
Introduction; Concepts of Risks and Risk Management; Risk Management Activities as applied to project management; Effective Risk Management; Self Assessment Questions; Risk categories; Aids for Risk Identification; Risk Components and drivers; Risk Prioritization:

Part 7 Configuration Management
Introduction; Software Configuration Management; Baselines; Software Configuration Items; Software Configuration Management process; Identification of objects in the Software Configuration; Version Control Status Reporting; Goals of SCM:

Part 8 Team Development and Conflict Management
Introduction; Organization; Centralized-Control Team Organization; Decentralized-Control Team; Organization; Mixed-Control Team Organization; Case study: Open-source development team organization; An Assessment of Team Organizations; Case study 8.2: Nokia software factories; Team discipline; Conflict management

Part 9 Introduction to Software Quality Assurance
Introduction; Goals of Software Assurance; Supportive activities involved in the software life cycle; Formal Technical Reviews; Standards and Procedures; Types of standards; Software Quality Assurance Activities Software qualities; Quality; Cost of quality; Creating the Software Quality Assurance Plan:

Part 10 Project Closure
Introduction; Project Closure Analysis; The Role of Closure Analysis; Performing Closure Analysis; Closure Analysis Report; Sample closure analysis report

Part 11 Project Monitoring and Controlling
Introduction; Project Status Reporting; Project Metrics; Earned Value Analysis (EVA); Project Communication Plan & Techniques; Steps to Process Improvement; IEEE recommended steps for process improvement; Six Sigma:

Part 12 Testing Techniques
Introduction; Types of Software Testing; Manual Testing; Automated Testing; Black Box Testing Equivalence Partitioning; Boundary Value Analysis; Cause – Effect Graphing Techniques; White Box Testing Techniques; Basis Path Testing; Flow Graph Notation; Cyclomatic Complexity; Deriving Test Cases; Control Structure Testing; Advantages and Disadvantages of White Box Testing; List of Testing Tools:

Part 13 Software Testing Strategies
Introduction; Unit Testing; Unit Test Considerations ; Integration Testing ; Big Bang; Bottom-up Integration; Top-down Integration ; System Testing ; Recovery Testing ; Security Testing ; Stress Testing ; Performance Testing ; S/w validation; Verification and Validation; Validation Test Criteria S/w; Configuration review; Alpha and Beta Testing; Debugging; Steps for Debugging ; Testing Life Cycle; Roles in Software Testing

Part 14 Software Process and Project Metrics
Introduction; Measure, Metrics and Indicators; Why use Metrics?; Process Metrics; Project Metrics; Software Measurement ; Metrics for Software Quality

Part 15 Software Design and Principles
Introduction; Software Design Process; Design and Software Quality; Evolution of Software Design; Design Principles; Design Concepts; Abstraction; Refinement; Modularity; Software Architecture; Control Hierarchy; Structural Partitioning; Data Structure; Software Procedure; Information Hiding; Effective Modular Design; Functional Independence; Cohesion; Coupling:

Part 16 Clean Room Software Engineering
Introduction; The Cleanroom Strategy; What Makes Cleanroom Different?; Functional Specification; Black-Box Specification; State-Box Specification; Clear-Box Specification; Cleanroom Design:

Part 17 Software Quality Assurance
Introduction; Software Quality Assurance Activities; Software Qualities; Standards; ISO Standards for Software Organization; SEI – Capability Maturity Model; Comparison between ISO & SEI CMM; Other Standards and Initiatives:

Part 18 CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering) Tools
Introduction ; CASE support in Software Life Cycle; Classification of CASE Tools; Steps for CASE Tool Implementation; Integrated CASE Environments; Architecture of CASE Environment; CASE Repository

Part 19 Formal Methods
Introduction; Mathematics in Software Development; Mathematical Preliminaries; Formal Specification Languages; The Ten Commandments of formal languages

Part 20 Re-Engineering
Introduction; Growing problems of software maintenance; Redevelopment or Reengineering; Business Process Reengineering; Software Reengineering Process Model; Technical Problems of Reengineering; Terminology of Software Reengineering.

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