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What is Primary key and Foreign Key?
Posted: Friday 09, May 2008 12:09:10 PM
how primary key and foreign key is integrated....
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SAPANA R | Posted: Saturday 10, May 2008 08:21:14 AM | | Primary key is d one which uniquely identifies the row of a per ticular table.
A foreign key is a field that points to the primary key of anot her table.
Sapana R
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Rakesh Choudhary | Posted: Friday 23, January 2009 12:13:49 PM | | hi Joydeep Primary key :- Primary key is unique and not null. It is a unique key on which all the other candidate keys are fu nctionally dependent Foregin key:- It allows refrencing another table using the primary key for th e other table. Thanks Rakesh 
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Home > Programmer2Programmer.NET Forum >SQL Server >> What is Primary key and Foreign Key?...