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MBA Viva Question and Answer
Riya Walia
Posted: Thursday 04, June 2015 05:00:13 PM
Plz post MBA HRM project viva question with answers.
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AJProfessionals | Posted: Friday 28, August 2015 08:42:36 AM | | Why did you select this title? Who will get the benefit for this title? What is the object of your project work? Why did you select these objectives? Tell me come important points from your project? Any future benefit from project work? Why did you select this company? How did you get opportunity from this company? What is the scope of your project? What is the limitation of your project work? Explain about research methodology of your project work? What type tools used for data analysis? Explain about primary data source? Explain about secondary data source? how many sample size is taken into the project?
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Riya Walia | Posted: Monday 31, August 2015 04:08:14 AM | | Plz post more question with answers..my project viva is in next week...thankkks
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AJProfessionals | Posted: Wednesday 21, October 2015 12:43:17 PM | | Q # 1. Why need to do project work?
Project works are the most stressful and painful assignments that a student will have to complete in their career as a student. It is one of those works that are the accumulation of everything they have learned. It follows them through life and is always there. It sometimes is the first of proj ect that the student will submit. Choosing a topic for the project is the most important things in his/her career. For the student wh o is writing an MBA project, should consider the problem statement, objectives and methodology of th e project. Every student should remember that while this is a tough project, and an important projec t; tackle it like any other project or assignment they are already written in their career. The student who will completely think it through, give it rewrites and edits it. Most importantly be the student who will have great communication with their project advisor to have help. Having a w ell written project mean that student has taken the time to really work it out.
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AJProfessionals | Posted: Friday 25, December 2015 06:33:33 PM | | Q # 2. How project is helpful for your career?
Writing a final year project will automatically place students ahead of other candidates during job search. In its entirety, this statement is false. But, if we step back and think about the different aspects of writing a project work, we can find truth in the statement. A well-researched project report can showcase that student has those talents. It also shows employer s that students are willing to go above and beyond what is asked of us, since many undergraduate deg ree programs do not require a final year project. Writing a project report shows commitment, perseve rance, self-motivation and initiative. Students gain amazing skills in writing their project that th ey will use throughout their career.
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AJProfessionals | Posted: Monday 08, August 2016 04:54:41 AM | | For more details plz visit our Facebook page
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Ravi h | Posted: Tuesday 13, December 2016 05:05:31 PM | | Thanks
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Home > Programmer2Programmer.NET Forum >Final Year Student Project >> MBA Viva Question and Answer ...