Posted: Wednesday 08, September 2010 07:19:51 AM
Hi All,
I got so many request for Academiv project synopsis. Here you can find the synopsis of the project like.
in .NET, VB, C#, JAVA, SQL Server, PHP, MYSQL
Road Traffic Organizer, Video Library Management System, Accoun ting System, Payroll System, Access Control System, Railway Res ervation System, Airline Reservation System, Job Portal, Hospit al Management System, CRM, Inventory System, Forum, Institute M anagement System, Web based claim processing system, Student Re gistration, Book Sale System, eCommerce, Knowledge Base Managem ent System, Institute Management System, Multilevel marketing S ystem, Auto Comment Generation, Hotel Management System, eOffic e, CRM, IEEE
All the best
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AtanuMaity | Posted: Wednesday 08, September 2010 07:22:48 AM | | Synopsis # 1 =================== Title Railway Reservation System
Technology This project can be developed in desktop or web technologies Visual Basic 6 VB.Net C# ASP.NET SQL Server JSP
Description: Railway Reservation System has been designed to automate the pr ocess of railway for ticket reservation and back office activit ies.
Proposed “Railway Reservation System” is developed for to autom ate the railway reservation system. It includes modules require d to successfully operate railway reversion process smoothly. I t has train master to add modify train information, Train sched ule to enter train journey details include all the station name , arrival time and departure time. It includes automatic fare c alculation as per the distance between two stations.
Reservation module consist of automatic seat no and coach no al location system. Daily schedule for updation of not confirm sea t and coach no. All master like train master, train schedule, r eservation fees, cancellation fees charges can be modified indi vidually from front end and changes reflect in all modules imme diately.
Therefore proposed Railway Reservation System has been d esigned to automate the process of railway for ticket reservati on and back office activities. System can make the daily activi ties efficient and providing the fast response.
Module: Maintain user master- Each user identified by the user name and user type. Only admin user can create, edit user information. Password must be 6 characters long. Password must be alpha numeric. While creating user system assign default password for the user , user must change default password for first time login. All login time stamp stored in the system for security audit. Access level and roles and privileges are set for different typ e of users. Station Master – Every station is uniquely identified by system generated Station ID. It also includes station code, station n ame and railway division name. Train Master – Every train uniquely identified by train no, it includes train name, train schedule which days of the week trai n will run. No of coaches available for 3 tier AC, First Class, Slipper Class etc. Train Schedule – It includes train journey details from start s tation to end station, all in between station, distances betwee n 2 station, arrival and departure time. Fare Rule – It help to calculate fare by distance, support diff erent type of fare calculation for different class like AC1, AC 3 etc. Cancellation Fees Rule - It provide the master data for all tic ket cancellation fees calculation. Reservation and Super Fast Fees – It provide the master data fo r all ticket cancellation fees calculation.
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AtanuMaity | Posted: Monday 13, September 2010 05:55:53 PM | | Synopsis # 2 ======================= Title : Online Hotel Management System
Technology ASP / Java Script ASP.NET / C# / VB.NET Access / SQL Server / Oracle
Description Online Hotel Reservation Portal includes hotel details updation , dynamic hotel listing, and search and select hotel room, calc ulate tariff, view the availability, reserve the room, tracking of booking, and generation of reports for the hotel owner.
Online hotel management system - eHotel application sys tem is end to end solution for online hotel booking process inc ludes hotel details updation, dynamic hotel listing, and search and select hotel room, calculate tariff, view the availability , reserve the room, tracking of booking, and generation of repo rts for the hotel owner. Agents, Hotel and Resorts owner can su bmit their hotels and resorts for booking. Email alerts on room s or resorts reservation for both buyer and owner. Agents and h otel owners can submit images during registration. System should have built in security features to handle differe nt security threat like SQL injection, cross scripting, spammin g.
Home – It is the default page for the site. It shows the new hotel list. Customer can view hotel category wise or can s earch hotel by country and booking date. All links are availabl e in this page. Hotel Details – Search result will display here, custome r can search hotel by country, city and booking date. System wi ll display available hotels for the given search conditions Reservation – Customer select the hotel from the list fo r reservation, fill his details like name, address, contact no, date of booking, no of rooms, payment details and submit the d etails for validate. System checks all the information and gene rates booking reference no for future reference. System emailed this booking reference no to the customer and hotel owner. View Reservation – Customer can view the previous reserv ation details by entering booking reference no. Picture Gallery – System will display the picture of hot els upload by the hotel owner. Every picture will have link to view the hotel details. Hotel Registration – Hotel owner will enter all the deta ils of the hotels including, name of the hotels, country, city, description, no of floor, no of rooms, facilities available. R ating of hotel, address, contact details, photographs. System v alidate the details enter by hotel owner and save the details. After saving the details system send email to the owner for con firmation. Administrator checks the detail and approve for list ing. Login – Login page for the administrator and other syste m users. Admin users are identified by the user name, password and user type.. Change Password – Change the current logged user password. Logout – By clicking this link user logged out from this site all user session reset to default value. Hotels – View list of hotels, edit the hotel details, add new h otel with name of hotel, address, contact details, facilities a nd hotel image for best viewing hotel image must be in (150X15 0 pixel) and store the image in hotel_image folder at root dire ctory. Reports – It shows report for the selected date range li ke no of hotel registered, Transaction held for the selected da te range.
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Riya Walia | Posted: Sunday 19, September 2010 06:16:26 AM | | Sir, Could you please share synopsis for Banking System project.
Regards Riya
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rohit pandey | Posted: Wednesday 17, November 2010 09:45:42 AM | | i want to do a project of job portal using jsp and i want some idea from you for the project.
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Riya Walia | Posted: Saturday 20, November 2010 07:10:23 AM | | Sir, Please post Banking System Synopsis
Thanks rW
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Momin | Posted: Wednesday 24, November 2010 12:32:22 PM | | Hello Riya you can mail me on for various projects in VB,VB.Net
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AtanuMaity | Posted: Saturday 04, December 2010 10:02:21 AM | | Banking System
The banking industry is witnessing a revolution in products, pr ocess, markets and regulations. And It’s a revolution that is n ot about to stop or even slow down. Since the only option is to adapt and evolve, it is essential that system have the flexibi lity to quickly adjust the need of today’s financial market.
It’s a tough challenge. Because today’s fast-moving marketplace is also extremely competitive. Moreover, the need to retain ex isting customers and attract new ones often conflicts with the need to reduce costs and improve the efficiency. But whatever t he challenges facing in retail banking operation, Propsed eBank –Banking System can help to meet and overcome them.
eBank offer flexible, client-server technology based on a scala ble system. Its centralized, customer centric design to offers a complete set of integral retail banking modules sharing a use r-friendly interface.
eBank is developed for making day to day transaction of any ban k; it has all the features need to operate the banking procedur e. The system can be used to create new customer, modify detail s, deposit and withdraw the amount from his / her account..
Scope and Features From an end-user perspective, the eBank - Banking System Projec t consists of two functional elements: Customer transaction mod ule and Employee transaction module.
Customer Transaction Module An enhanced atomized system is developed to maintain customer s urvice like balance query, vie mini statement, fund transfer.
•Login Module - New customer can login into system with his account no and ac cess code, system will force new account holder to change his p assword in first time lgin. For first time login customer can t ype hist account no as access code.
•Balance Enquiry – From this option custome can view his current account balance
•Mini Statement - Customer can view his last 10 transcation from this option
• Fund Transfer -Customer can transfer funds from his account to any account, w hile transfering the fund system validates the transfer amount; it should greater than 100 and check available balance before transcation.
•Change Password -From this option customer can change his account access code, it should at leased 6 characters long.
Bank Employee Transaction Module An enhanced atomized system is developed to operate day-to-day functionalty of bank, features include.
•Login -Bank employee login into system by using their employee no and password, system update last login date and track all login, l ogout details for security purpose.
•Main Screen - It shows currnently logged employee name, provide all options , System check the employee type and provide validate access ri ghts.
•Change Password - Employees are used this form to change his password, minimum password length is 6 characters long. System updates change pas sword date for security purpse.
•Account Type -Only administrator can use this form to add, edit account type , Administrator can change interest rate, charges and fine.
•Account Hoder / Customer -Only supervisor and Admionstaror can add, edit, delete custome r information. System capture customer details like name, date of birth, PAN card no, addres and contact details. System can s tore customer photo and signature for vaerification. Photyo and signature need to capture/scan in .jpg format and save this fi les in application root folder rnamed with customer id.
•Holder Account Mapping -One customer can have multiple account, this form is used to c reate account no for selected customer.
•Employee Master -Only administrator can access this form and can manage employe e details; it includes employee name, type, password, contact d etails.
•Receive -This option used to receive cash amount from customer, user en ters account no, system displays customer account details. User type the amount and system credioted amount to his account.
•Payment - This option used to give payment to customer, before save sys tem validates the account no and entered amount for available b alance and debited customer account.
•Cheque Entry - In this form system user enters cheques details against the a ccount no. system creadited or debited the amount as per select ion.
•Interest Processing -Only admin user has access this option, It is a transdcation p rocessing (TP) activity which is running in month or quarter en d. System calculates the interest amount for each account and credited individual account with calculated interest. While cal culating system reads the yaerly interest rate from account typ e master.
•Debit card/ Account Charges -It is year end activity, administrator run this option end of financial year, system debited each account as per account type .
• Daily Receive Report -System display day wise collection report, This is helpful rep ort for cashier. User can change the date range to generate day wise, month wise report.
•Daily Payment Report -System display day wise payment report, This is helpful report for cashier. User can change the date range to generate day wi se, month wise report.
•Account Statement -Display account statement for selected account no. User can ge nerate account staemnet for any given date range.
•Account Register -Display all account details.
•Access Log - Only administrator can view/generate employee access logs for security and system audit purpose.
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AtanuMaity | Posted: Saturday 04, December 2010 10:17:22 AM | | Bankings System can developed in VB6, VB.NET, C#, ASP.NET Access , SQL
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nikita28 | Posted: Sunday 05, December 2010 12:29:40 PM | | can u plz share synopsis for Hospital Management System? its u rgent
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prachi.gupta297 | Posted: Saturday 24, September 2011 06:31:42 PM | | Sir, i want a project on job portal with synopsis...plz share it thank you
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Aspnano | Posted: Thursday 08, December 2011 05:36:46 PM | | sir can please
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ivan lopez | Posted: Thursday 16, February 2012 07:16:06 AM | | i need synopsis and some code for Hospital Management System. c an u please help me in some way if possible plz mail me o n .. thanks a lot
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