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Oracle 9i
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Course Name
MSc IT (Master of Science in Information Technology)
Subject Code MT0046 (Oracle 9i)
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Oracle 9i Syllabus.
Unit 1: Introduction to Oracle9i Database
Oracle Database an Introduction, Oracle Instance ,Oracle9i Over View,
Background Process, INIT. Ora, Location Entries, Limiting Entries, Feature
Entries, Control Files, Redo
Logs , Oracle Data Files , Significant Memory Structures , Logical Structures,
Data Blocks, Extents, Segments, Table Spaces, Physical Database Structure,
Oracle9i Products for
Installation , Oracle9i Database, Oracle9i Client
Unit 2: SQL with Oracle9i Database
Introduction, Oracle9i SQL, SQL Standards, How SQL Works, Data Definition
Language (DDL), Create/Drop Statement, Create Table as, an Example Command to
alter a Table ,
Truncate, Constraints, Data Types, Data Manipulation Language (DML) , Insert
Statement, Select Statement Update Command, Delete Command, Operators in SQL
*Plus Arithmetic
Operators, Comparison Operators , Logical Operators, SQL *Plus Functions, Single
Row Functions, Date Functions, Character Functions Numeric Functions, Conversion
Functions, Miscellaneous Functions
Unit 3: More SQL *Plus
Set Operators and Joins, Joining Table, Simple join, Equi-join, Non equi-join
Self join, Outer join, More Database Objects, Views, Create view, an example
Partition View, Object
view, Synonym, Sequences, Index. Partitioning Basics of Partitioning, Benefits
of Partitioning, Locks and SQL *Plus Formatting Commands, Row level locks, Table
level lock , Share lock , Share update lock , Exclusive lock, SQL *Plus
Formatting Commands, Column commands Compute commands, Title commands, Setting
Page Dimensions
Unit 4: Introduction to Java in Oracle9i
Introduction, Impression of Java, Java and Object-Oriented Programming
Terminology, Interfaces, Polymorphism, The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) Key
Features of the Java Language, Why Use Java in Oracle9i?, Multithreading,
Automated Storage Management, Footprint, Performance Oracle’s Java Application
Strategy, JDBC Drivers, Dynamic HTML Invoking Java, Servlets JavaServer Pages,
Distributed Application Development
Unit 5: PL/SQL
Introduction, PL/SQL: The Oracle Programming language, PL/SQL Character Set
PL/SQL Structure, PL/SQL variables, Conditional statements , Loops, CASE
Statements, Exception Handling Section, Stored Procedures
Unit 6: Distributed Database
Distributed Databases Overview, Distributed Database Architecture,
Homogenous Distributed Database Systems, Heterogeneous Distributed Database
Systems, Client/Server Database Architecture, Database Links, Database Links and
their uses:, Distributed Database Administration, Transaction Processing in a
Distributed System, Distributed Database Application Development, Transparency
in a Distributed Database System Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs), Distributed
Query Optimization
Unit 7: Managing a Distributed Database
Introduction, Managing Global Names in a Distributed System, Understanding
How Global Database Names Are Formed , Determining Whether Global Naming Is
Enforced, Viewing a Global Database Name, Changing the Domain in a Global
Database Name, Creating Database Links, Obtaining Privileges Necessary for
Creating Database Links, Specifying Link Types Specifying Link Users, Using
Connection Qualifiers to Specify Service Names Within Link Names, Creating
Shared Database Links, Configuring Shared Database Links, Managing Database
Links, Limiting the Number of Active Database Link Connections, Viewing
Information About Database Links, Determining Which Links Are in the Database,
Determining Which Link Connections are Open
Unit 8: Distributed Transactions
Introduction, Operations In Distributed Transactions, DML And DDL
Transactions, Transaction Control Statements, Session Trees For Distributed
Transactions, Distributed Transaction Commit, Prepare Phase, Commit Phase,
Forget Phase
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