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Course Name
MSc IT (Master of Science in Information Technology)
Subject Code MT0045 (JAVA)
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JAVA Syllabus.
Unit 1: Basics of Java
What is Java?, How does it work?, How to include comments?, What do I need
to do for running a Java program?, What is Object Oriented Programming?, What
are classes? ,
What are objects?, Basic concepts, What are constants?, What are variables?, How
do I create a variable?, How do I give name to a variable?, What are the basic
data types?,
Operations on data, Control flow statements ( if-else statement, switch
statement, looping using for statement, looping using while statement, looping
using do-while statement, break
statement, continue statement, Label statement), Arrays and Strings
Unit 2: Java Classes & Objects
Structure of classes, Variables, Methods, Command Line Arguments,
Overloading methods, Constructor methods, Subclasses, Final classes, methods and
variables, Abstract classes,
Packages, Access modifiers Summary.
Unit 3: Exception Handling
Exception Handling, Try/Catch Block, The Finally Clause, The Throws Clause,
How to throw Exceptions?
Unit 4: Java Streams
What are streams?, Using a stream, Predefined streams, Using standard
streams, Character streams, Byte streams, File Streams, Data Streams, Character
Streams, Processing streams
Unit 5: Interfaces and Inner Classes
Introduction to Interfaces, What is an interface?, Properties of an
interface, Some uses of interfaces, Interfaces versus abstract classes, Using
interfaces, dynamically, Introduction to
inner classes, Types of inner classes, Nested top , level classes, Member
classes, Local classes, Anonymous classes
Unit 6: Applets
What are applets?, Viewing an applet, Life cycle of an applet, passing
values to applets, adding graphics and colors, User interfaces for applets,
adding component to user interface, arranging components on user interface,
Unit 7: Event Handling
Introduction, Basic of event handling, Event delegation model, events, Event
Listener interfaces, Handling window events, Using a Listener adapter class,
Handling action events.
Introduction , Difference between AWT and swing, Overview of J component,
All about controls, How to display components ( Label, J Button, Tool Tip, Text
Field, Check box,
Panel, Radio Button and Button group
Unit 9: Multithreading
Time Sharing Solution, Applications of Multithreading, Creating a new
Thread, Looking inside the Thread Class, Life Cycle of a Thread, Extending the
Thread class, Looking inside the Runnable Interface, Implementing the Runnable
Interface, Thread Synchronization, Inter-Thread Communication, Producer/Consumer
without Synchronization, Producer/Consumer with Thread Synchronization
Unit 10: Java Database Programming
What is JDBC ?, Getting to work, Find the JDBC Driver, Configure the
Database, Connecting to Database with JDBC, Create a Statement, Execute the
Statement, Retrieve the Result, Close the Connection and Statement, Exception
Handling java.sql Package, The DriverManager class, The Driver interface, The
Driver PropertyInfo class. Example 2 The Connection interface, The Statement
Interface. Example 3 The Prepared Statement interface.
Unit 11: Network Programming in Java
Introduction, What you may already know about networking in Java, Networking
Basics ( TCP, UDP, Understanding Ports, Networking classes in JDK) , Working
with URLs, What is a URL?, Creating a URL, Other URL Constructors, alformed URL
Exception, Parsing a URL, Reading directly from a URL , Connecting to a URL,
Reading from and writing to a URL Connection, Reading from a URL Connection ,
Writing to a URL Connection, TCP Sockets, What is a TCP Socket? Writing a
typical TCP server and client, TCP Serve, Complete code of TCP Server, TCP
Client, Complete code of TCP Client, Running the TCPServer and TCPClient ,
Supporting Multiple Clients, All about datagrams and UDP sockets, What is a
datagram?, Writing a UDP server and a client, UDP Server, Quote Server class,
Quote Server Thread class,Complete code of Quote Server Thread class , UDP
client, Quote Client class, Complete code of Quote Client class, Running the
Quote Server and Quote Client
Unit 12: RMI and CORBA
Introduction, How RMI Works, Outline of Our RMI System, The Interface to the
RMI Remote Server, The RMI Client, The RMI Remote Server Code, Compiling and
Running the Code, What is Java IDL?, Hello Client-Server Example, Developing a
Client Application, Developing the Hello World Server, Compiling and Running the
Hello World Application
Unit 13: Java Beans
Introduction, The Bean Box, Running The Bean Box, Example Beans
Unit 14: JINI
Overview of JINI, JINI Technology, Components, Service Registration, Client
Lookup, Proxies, Server Structure- Developing a simple JINI service, Client
Structure -Developing a simple JINI client, Support Services - HTTP Server -RMI
Unit 15: Java Native Interface (JNI)
Introduction, Reasons for using native code, Calling a ‘C’ function inside a
Java application, Methods with parameters and /or return values, Using print for
formatting numbers, Passing string parameters
Unit 16: Servlets and JSP
Servlets, Introduction, History of Web Application,Web Architecture,
Overview of various Server-side technologies, Support for Servlets, Power of
Servlets, Servlet Basics, Basic Servlet structure, Servlet Life cycle, A Sample
Servlet, Dissecting the sample servlet, HTTP Basics, Servlet API, Running the
sample Servlet, Sending HTML form content, Applet- Servlet Communication,
Applet-Servlet Communication with Object Serialization, A complete example for
Applet-Servlet communication, Database Connectivity, Summary and further
reading, Java Server Pages(JSP), Introduction, What is needed to write JSP based
web application, How does JSP look?, How to test a JSP?, What do JSPs contain?,
JSP model, Generated implementation class and the JSP life cycle, JSP Elements,
Implicit Objects, How implicit objects work?, Revisiting jspInit() and
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