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IT Law and Practice

This is the collection of Sikkim Manipal University (SMU) question and answers for IT Law and Practice. It will help to prepare your examination. All question paper are classified as per semester, subject code and question type of Part A, Part B and Part C with multiple choice options as same as actual examination. SMU question papers includes year 2024, 2023, 2022 Sem I, II, III, IV, V, VI examinations of all subjects.

SMU question test set of old, last and previous year are updated regularly and it is absolutely free to use. Question paper includes Visual basic 6, VB.Net, C#, ASP.Net, Web, Oracle, Database, SQL, Software Engineering, C, C++, OOPS, MBA, MCA, BSC IT I have requested you kindly send me the question paper of IT Law and Practice, SMU - Master of Science in Information Technology.

Course Name        MSc IT (Master of Science in Information Technology)

Subject Code       MT0044 (IT Law and Practice)

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IT Law and Practice Syllabus.

Unit 1: The Development of Information Technology
From Calculating Machine to Microchip, The emerging Information Society, Computers and Law in present context, History of Cyber Space, Legal implications of Cyber Space, The development of Internet, Key Regulatory Issues

Unit 2: Legal Issues on E-Commerce
Definition of e-Commerce, e-Commerce an On-line Approach, Types of e-commerce, ECommerce – success or failure, Changing faces of e-commerce, Benefits of e-commerce, Risk of e-commerce, Indian initiatives

Unit 3: IT and Other affected Legislations
Introduction, The Indian Penal Code, 1860 and its various relevant Sections, The Indian Evidence Act, 1862 and its various relevant Sections, The Reserve Bank of India Act 1934, and its relevant Section 58, The Bankers Book Evidence Act 1891 and its various relevant Sections

Unit 4: Cyber Space and Legal Control,
Cyber Law- An Introduction, Definition of Cyber Law, Historical Perspective, Why Cyber Law in India, International Scenario, The IT Act, 2000

Unit 5: Electronic Commerce Act-2000
Definitions, Electronic Records, Secure Digital Signatures, Security Procedures, Digital Signature Certificates, Duties of Subscribers, Cyber Regulations Appellate Tribunal

Unit 6: Detecting and Prosecuting Computer Crime
Definition of Cyber Crime, Categories of Cyber Crimes, Technical hurdles for Law Enforcement agencies, Sections 65 to 78 of the Act

Unit 7: Intellectual Property Law
Overview of Intellectual Property Law, Applying Copyright Protection to Software, Literal Copying of Computer Programs, Non-Literal Copying of Computer Programs, Patenting Software, Trademark Issues, Effect of Trademarks, Trademarks and Information Technology

Unit 8: Problems of Jurisdiction
Jurisdiction over Internet, Internet Contracts, Intellectual Property Infringements, Indian Context, Effects of foreign Judgment

Unit 9: International and European Initiatives
United Nations Resolutions, UNCITRAL Model Law on E-Commerce, Guide to Enactment of the UNCITRAL

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