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Object Oriented Analysis & Design using UML

This is the collection of Sikkim Manipal University (SMU) question and answers for Object Oriented Analysis & Design using UML. It will help to prepare your examination. All question paper are classified as per semester, subject code and question type of Part A, Part B and Part C with multiple choice options as same as actual examination. SMU question papers includes year 2024, 2023, 2022 Sem I, II, III, IV, V, VI examinations of all subjects.

SMU question test set of old, last and previous year are updated regularly and it is absolutely free to use. Question paper includes Visual basic 6, VB.Net, C#, ASP.Net, Web, Oracle, Database, SQL, Software Engineering, C, C++, OOPS, MBA, MCA, BSC IT I have requested you kindly send me the question paper of Object Oriented Analysis & Design using UML, SMU - Master of Computer Application.

Course Name        MCA (Master of Computer Application)

Subject Code       MC0083 (Object Oriented Analysis & Design using UML)

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Object Oriented Analysis & Design using UML Syllabus.

Part 1 An Overview of Object-Oriented Systems Development
Introduction; Two orthogonal views of the software; Object oriented systems development methodology; Advantages of Object Orientation; Overview of the Unified Approach (UA):

Part 2 Object Basics
Introduction; An object-oriented philosophy; Objects; Objects are grouped in classes; Attributes: Object state and properties; Object behavior and methods; Objects respond to messages; Encapsulation and information hiding; Class hierarchy; Inheritance; Multiple inheritance; Polymorphism; Object relationships and associations; Consumer-producer association; Aggregation and object containment; Case Study: A payroll program; Structured Approach; The object-oriented approach; Advanced topics; Object and Identity; Static and dynamic binding; Object persistence; Meta classes

Part 3 Object Oriented Systems Development Life Cycle
Introduction; The software development process; Building high-quality software; Object-oriented systems development: A use case approach; Reusability:

Part 4 Object Oriented Methodologies
Introduction; Rumbaugh et al.‘s Object Modeling Technique; The Booch Methodology; The Jacobson et al. Methodologies; Patterns; Frameworks; The Unified Approach

Part 5 UML Summary
Overview; Primary Artifacts of the UML; UML-defining Artifacts; Development Project Artifacts; Motivation to Define the UML; Why We Model; Industry Trends in Software; Prior to Industry Convergence; Goals of the UML; Scope of the UML; Outside the Scope of the UML; Comparing UML to Other Modeling Languages; Features of the UML

Part 6 UML Architecture and Foundation
Language Architecture and Language Formalism; Four-Layer Meta model Architecture; Package Structure
Levels of Formalism; Naming Conventions and Typography; Foundation Package; Core; Extension; Mechanisms; Data Types:

Part 7 Behavioral Elements
Behavioral Elements Package; Common Behavior; Collaborations; Use Cases; State Machines; Activity Graphs; Model Management:

Part 8 UML Notation Guide
Diagram Elements; Graphs and Their Contents; Drawing Paths; Invisible Hyperlinks and the Role of Tools String, Name, and Label; Keywords; Expression; Note; Type-Instance Correspondence; Model Management Package; Subsystem; Model; General Extension Mechanisms; Constraint and Comment; Element; Properties; Stereotypes:

Part 9 Static Structure Diagrams
Class Diagram and Object Diagram; Name Compartment and List Compartment; Attribute and Operation; Nested Class Declarations, Type and Implementation Class; Interfaces and Parameterized Class; (Template); Bound Element, Utility and Metaclass; Enumeration, Stereotype Declaration and Powertype; Class Pathnames; Accessing or Importing a Package; Object and Composite Object; Association, Binary; Association, and Association End; Multiplicity and Qualifier; Association Class and N-ary Association; Composition, Link, and Generalization; Dependency and Derived Element:

Part 10 Other UML Diagrams
Use Case Diagrams; Interaction Diagrams; Sequence Diagram; Collaboration Diagrams; State chart Diagrams; Activity Diagrams; Implementation diagrams:

Part 11 UML Diagrams – Part II
State chart Diagrams; Activity Diagrams; Implementation diagrams:

Part 12 UML Example Profiles
UML Profile for Software Development Processes; Introduction; Summary of Profile; Stereotypes and Notation; UML Profile for Business Modeling; Introduction; Summary of Profile; Stereotypes and Notation; Example for Existence Dependency and classes found in Business; Simple visitor Example:

Part 13 Object Constraint Language Specification OCL PART – 1
Overview; Introduction; Relation to the UML Metamodel; Basic Values and Types; Objects and Properties:

Part 14 Object Constraint Language Specification OCL PART – 2
Collection Operations; The Standard OCL Package; Predefined OCL Types; Grammar:

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