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Java Programming

This is the collection of Sikkim Manipal University (SMU) question and answers for Java Programming. It will help to prepare your examination. All question paper are classified as per semester, subject code and question type of Part A, Part B and Part C with multiple choice options as same as actual examination. SMU question papers includes year 2024, 2023, 2022 Sem I, II, III, IV, V, VI examinations of all subjects.

SMU question test set of old, last and previous year are updated regularly and it is absolutely free to use. Question paper includes Visual basic 6, VB.Net, C#, ASP.Net, Web, Oracle, Database, SQL, Software Engineering, C, C++, OOPS, MBA, MCA, BSC IT I have requested you kindly send me the question paper of Java Programming, SMU - Master of Computer Application.

Course Name        MCA (Master of Computer Application)

Subject Code       MC0078 (Java Programming)

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Java Programming Syllabus.

Part 1 Getting Started
Features of Java, Java Magic: Byte Code

Part 2 Basics of Java
Introduction-Keywords, How does it work?. How to include comments, Data Types in Java, Primitives Data Types, Abstract/Derived Data Types, Variables in Java, Naming Variables, Using classes in java, Standard for coding, Declaring methods in java, Code to display Test Value, The main method, Invoke methods, How to Save a Java Program, Compiling Java Programs, Executing a Java Program

Part 3 Playing with Java
Introduction, Operators, Arithmetic Operators, Increment and Decrement operators, Comparison Operators, Logical Operators, Operator Precedence, Control Flow Statements, If-else statement, Switch Statement, ‗for‘ Loop, While Statement, ‗do….while‘ statement, ‗Break‘ statement, ‗Continue‘ Statement

Part 4 Inheritance, Package and Interface
Inheritance, Types of Relationships, What is Inheritance?, Why Generalize?, Implementing Inheritance in Java, Access Specifiers, The abstract class, Packages, Defining a Package, Understanding CLASSPATH, Interface, Defining an Interface, Some uses of interfaces, Interfaces verses abstract classes

Part 5 Exception Handling
Definition of an Exception, Exception Classes, Common Exceptions, Exception Handling Techniques

Part 6 Streams in Java
Introduction to Streams, The Abstract Streams, Readers and Writers, Random Access Files, Serialization

Part 7 Creating Front End
Applets, Introduction, Objectives, What are Applets?, The Applet Class, The Applet and HTML, Life Cycle of an Applet, The Graphics Class, Painting the Applet, User Interfaces for Applet, Adding Components to user interface, AWT Controls, Event Handling, Introduction, Components of an Event, Event Classes, Event Listener, Event-Handling, Adapter Classes, Inner Classes, Anonymous Classes

Part 8 JDBC
Database Management, Mechanism for connecting to a back end database, Load the ODBC driver

Part 9 RMI, CORBA and Java Beans
RMI, RMI Terminology, CORBA, What is Java IDL?, Example: The Hello Client-Server, Java Beans, The BeanBox, Running the BeanBox

Part 10 JSP and Servlets
JSP, What is needed to write JSP based web application?, How does JSP look?, How to test a JSP?, Servlets, History of Web Application, Web Architecture, Servlet Life Cycle

Part 11 Multithreading
Processes and Threads, The Java Thread Model, Thread Priorities, Synchronization
The Main Thread, Creating a Thread, Creating Multiple Threads, Inter-thread Communication

Part 12 RMI
Introduction, Writing an RMI Server, Designing a Remote Interface, Implementing a Remote Interface, Declaring the Remote Interfaces Being Implemented, Providing Implementations for Each Remote Method, Passing Objects in RMI, Implementing the Server's main Method, Creating and Installing a Security Manager, Making the Remote Object Available to Clients, Creating a Client Program, Compiling the Example Programs, Running the Example Programs

Part 13 Networking
Socket, What Is a Socket?, Reading from and Writing to a Socket, Writing the Server Side of a Socket, Datagram, What is a Datagram?, Writing a Datagram Client and Server

Part 14 JSP
What is needed to write JSP based web application?, How does JSP look?, How to test a JSP?

Part 15 Servlets
History of Web Application, Web Architecture, ,Servlet Life Cycle, The Java Servlet Development Kit

Part 16 Java Beans
Using the NetBeans GUI Builder, Writing a Simple Bean, Properties, Simple Properties, Bound Properties, Indexed Properties, Introspection

Part 17 JDBC
JDBC Product Components, A Relational Database Overview, Retrieving Values from Result, Sets, Updating Tables, Creating Complete JDBC Applications, Running the Sample Applications

Part 18 CORBA
What is CORBA?, The Stock Application, Implementing a CORBA Client, Object Implementations
Providing an Implementation, Interface versus Implementation Hierarchies, Implementation Type Checking, Implementing a Server Using the Java 2 ORB, Implementing a Server Using VisiBroker 3.x, Differences Between Server Implementations, Packaging Object Implementations  Object Adapters, Activation on Demand by the Basic Object Adapter (BOA)

Part 19 Introduction to AJAX
Defining Ajax, How Does Ajax Work?

Part 20 Introduction to Java Struts
How Does Struts Work?

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