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Database Management System (DBMS and Oracle 9i)
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you kindly send me the question paper of Database Management System (DBMS and Oracle 9i), SMU - Master of Computer Application.
Course Name
MCA (Master of Computer Application)
Subject Code MC0067 (Database Management System (DBMS and Oracle 9i))
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Database Management System (DBMS and Oracle 9i) Syllabus.
Part 1: Fundamentals of DBMS
Introduction; DBMS & Approaches to Data Management; Advantages of Database
Systems; Functions of a DBMS; Role of the Database Administrator; Types of
Database Systems.
Part 2: Physical Storage Structure of Databases
Introduction; Physical Storage Structure; Clustering; Indexing; Hashing;
Linear Search, Collision Chain.
Part 3: Introduction to Relational Model
Introduction; The Relational Model; Properties of Relations; Integrity
Rules; Relational Algebra Operators.
Part 4: Database Processing
Introduction; Database Architecture: Application Logic, One Tier
Architectures, Two Tier Client/Server Architectures; Advantages of Database
Processing: Economy of Scale, Efficient extraction of relevant Information,
Sharing of Data, Balancing Conflicting Requirements, Environment of Standards,
Controlled Redundancy, Consistency, Integrity, Security, Flexibility and
Responsiveness, Data Independence; Three Level Architecture of a Database;
Services of a Database System; Functions of Database Management Systems.
Part 5: Relational Operators & Standards
Introduction; Relational Model – a Review: Relation, Formal definition of a
relation; SQL – The Relational database standard: Database Creation, Sorting,
Built-in Functions, Joining Tables, Union; Relational Algebra.
Part 6: Database Design
Introduction; Introduction to Database Design; E-R Modeling: Basic
Constructs of E-R Modeling, Degree of a Relationship, ER Notation;
Normalization: Functional Dependence, First Normal Form, Second Normal Form,
Third Normal Form, Boyce-Codd Normal Form, Multi-valued Dependencies and Fourth
Normal Form; Database Design Goals.
Part 7 Database Security and Authorization
Introduction; Introduction to Database Security Issues: Types of Security,
Threats to Databases, Database Security and the DBA; Access Protection, User
Accounts, and Database Audits; Discretionary Access Control Based on Granting
and Revoking Privileges: Types of Discretionary Privileges, Specifying
Privileges Using Views, Revoking Privileges, Propagation of Privileges Using the
grant option; Mandatory Access Control and Role-based Access Control or
Multilevel Security: Comparing Discretionary Access Control and Mandatory Access
Control, Role-Based Access Control, Access Control Policies for E-Commerce and
the Web; Introduction to Statistical Database Security; Introduction to Flow
Control: Covert Channels; Encryption and Public Key Infrastructures: The Data
and Advanced Encryption Standards, Public Key Encryption, Digital Signatures.
Part 8 ORDBMS and Concepts of Data Mining and Data Warehousing
Introduction; The Evolution of Database Systems Technology; The Informix
Universal Server; Categories of INFORMIX Universal Server; Overview of Data
Mining Technology; Goals of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery; Association
Rules: Market-Basket Model, Support, and Confidence, Additional Considerations
for Association Rules Classification, Clustering; Approaches to Other Data
Mining Problems: Discovery of Sequential Patterns, Discovery of Patterns in Time
Series, Regression, Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms, Applications of Data
Mining; Commercial Data Mining Tools; Data Warehousing: Introduction,
Definitions, and Terminology, Characteristics of Data Warehouses, Data Modeling
for Data Warehouses, Building a Data Warehouse, Typical Functionality of a Data
Warehouse, Data Warehouse versus Views; Problems and Open Issues in Data
Warehouses: Difficulties of Implementing Data Warehouses, Open Issues in Data
Part 9: SQL
Introduction; SQL - An Overview: Data Manipulation Language, Data Definition
Language, Data Control Language; Implementation of DML Statements: Basics of the
SELECT Statement, Conditional Selection, Relational Operators, More Complex
Conditions: Compound Conditions / Logical Operators; In & Between; SQL Order of
Logical Operations (each operates from left to right):Using LIKE ; Joins: Keys,
Performing a Join, DISTINCT and Eliminating Duplicates, Aliases & In /
Subqueries; Miscellaneous SQL Statements: Aggregate Functions, Views, Creating
New Tables, Altering Tables, Adding Data, Deleting Data, Updating Data;
Miscellaneous Topics: Indexes, Group By & Having, More Subqueries, Exists & All,
UNION & Outer Joins, Cartesian product.
Part 10: Transaction Processing, Recovery and Concurrency
Introduction; Transactions, Read And Write Operations; Transaction and
System Concepts; Transaction and System Concepts; Recovery from System Failures;
Concurrency Control Mechanism: Locking, Deadlocks.
Part1: Database Systems – Concepts and Architecture
Data Models, Schemas, and Instances: Categories of Data Models, Schemas,
Instances, and Database State; Three-Schema Architecture and Data Independence:
The Three-Schema Architecture, Data Independence; Database Languages and
Interfaces: dbms Languages, dbms Interfaces, The Database System Environment:
dbms Component Modules, Database System Utilities, Tools, Application
Environments, and Communications Facilities; Centralized and Client/Server
Architectures for dbmss : Centralized dbmss Architecture; Basic Client/Server
Architectures, Two-Tier Client/Server Architectures for dbmss, Three-Tier
Client/Server Architectures for Web Applications; Classification of Database
Management Systems.
Part 2: Data Modeling Using the Entity Relationship Model
Using High Level conceptual Data Models for Database Design; An example
Database Application; Entity Types, Entity Sets, Attributes and Keys : Entities
and attributes, Entity Types, Entity Sets, Keys, And Value Sets, Initial
Conceptual Design Of The COMPANY Database; Relationship types, Relationship
sets, roles and Structural Constraints: Relationship Types, Sets, And Instances,
Relationship Degree, Role Names, And Recursive Relationships, Attributes Of
Relationship Types; Weak Entity Types.
Part 3: The Relational Data Model and Relational Database Constraints
Elational Model Concepts: Domains, Attributes, Tuples, and Relations,
Characteristics of Relations, Relational Model Notation; Relational Model
Constraints and Relational Database Schemas : Relational Databases and
Relational Database Schemas, Other Types of Constraints; Update Operations and
Dealing With Constraint Vioations: The Insert Operation, The Delete Operation,
The Update Operation.
Part 4: Relational Database Design by ER- and EER-to-Relational Mapping
Relational Database Design Using ER-To-Relational Mapping: ER- to-
Relational Mapping Algorithm; Mapping EER Model Constructs to Relations: Mapping
of Specialization or Generalization.
Part 5: Introduction to Transaction Processing-Concepts and Theory
Transaction Processing: Transactions, Read and Write Operations, and DBMS
Buffers; Why Recovery is Needed: Commit Point of a Transaction, Commit Point of
a Transaction, Desirable Properties of Transactions; Concurrency Control
Techniques: Two-phase Locking Techniques for Concurrency Control, Types of locks
and system lock tables ; Database Recovery Concepts: Recovery Outline and
Categorization of Recovery Algorithms.
Part 6: Fire Organizations and Indexes
Computer Storage Media: Memory Hierarchies and Storage Devices, Magnetic
Tape Storage Devices; Buffering of Blocks; Placing File Records on Disk: Records
and Record Types, Files, Fixed-Length Records, and Variable-Length Records,
Record Blocking and Spanned Versus
Unspanned Records, Allocating File Blocks on Disk, File Headers; Operations on
Files; Files of UnOrdered Records (Heap Files); Files of Ordered Records (Sorted
Files); Hashing Techniques: Internal Hashing; Indexing Structures for Files:
Types of Single-level Ordered Indexes, Other Types of Indexes.
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