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System Software
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you kindly send me the question paper of System Software, SMU - Bachelor of Computer Application.
Course Name
BCA (Bachelor of Computer Application)
Subject Code BC0051 (System Software)
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System Software Syllabus.
Unit 1- Language Processors
Introduction; Language Processors; Language Processing Activities;
Fundamentals of Language Processing; Fundamentals of Language Specification ;
Binding and Binding Times; Language Processor Development Tools
Unit 2- Assemblers
Introduction; Assembly Language; Basic Assembler Functions; Design
Specification of Assembler; Tasks of Assemblers; Translation of Assemblers;
Examples: MASM Assembler and SPARC Assembler
Unit 3- Compilers & Interpreters
Introduction; Phases of Compilation; Java Compiler and Environment; YACC
Compiler – Compiler; Interpreters; Difference between Compiler and Interpreter;
writing Tools
Unit 4- Macros and Macro Processors
Introduction ; Macro Definition and Expansion; Conditional Assembly; Macro
Parameters; Nested and Recursive Macro Calls and its expansion; Flow chart of
Design for a simple Macro-assembler ; Microsoft Macro Assembler; Conclusion
Unit 5- Linkers and Loaders
Introduction; Evolution of Linkers and Loaders; Dynamic Linking and
Relocation; Bootstrapping; Design of Linkers; Linking Vs Loading
Unit 6- Loaders
Introduction; Relocation; Tools that deal with machine code instructions;
Motivation for a Retargetable loader (RL); Basic Loader Functions
Unit 7- Memory Allocation
Introduction; Binding and Binding Times; Storage or Memory Allocations;Heap
& Garbage Compaction; Java and Garbage Collection
Unit 8- Symbol Table
Introduction; Symbol table organization; Data s for Symbol Table Unit 9-
Error Handling Introduction; Role of Compilers in Error Detection and Recovery;
Types of Errors;
Error Detection and Recovery at Each Phase
Unit 10- Introduction to Operating System
Introduction ; Components of Computer System; Types of Operating Systems;
Services of Operating System; Modes of Operation – Dual Mode; Batch Processing;
Operating System Kernel and Micro Kernel
Unit 11 - Processes
Introduction; Process Management; Process Scheduling; Process in Windows OS
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