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Oracle & Distributed Databases
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you kindly send me the question paper of Oracle & Distributed Databases, SMU - Bachelor of Computer Application.
Course Name
BCA (Bachelor of Computer Application)
Subject Code BC0050 (Oracle & Distributed Databases)
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Oracle & Distributed Databases Syllabus.
Unit 1 - Oracle9i and PL/SQL
Introduction; Users of Oracle; Overview of PL/SQL; Fundamentals of PL/SQL;
Iterative Control in PL/SQL
Unit 2 - PL/SQL Functions, Procedures and Packages
Introduction; PL/SQL Functions and Procedures; Database Triggers; Cursors ;
Unit 3- Oracle Architecture
Introduction; The Oracle Database; Oracle Architecture; The Oracle Instance;
The Physical Files of the Database; Starting and Stopping the Oracle Database;
Executing SQL statement in Oracle; Oracle9i Products and Tools
Unit 4 - Oracle9i Database Objects
Introduction; Oracle9i Objects; Data Dictionary Overview; Oracle's
Object-Oriented Features;
Unit 5 - Distributed Databases Overview
Introduction; Distributed Processing; Features of Distributed versus
Centralized Databases; Uses of Distributed Databases; Distributed Database
Management Systems (DDBMS); Reference Architecture for Distributed Databases;
Types of Data Fragmentation; Integrity Constraints in Distributed Databases
Unit 6 - Distributed Database Design and Query Processing
Introduction; A Framework for Distributed Database Design; The Design of
Database Fragmentation; The Allocation of Fragments; Query Processing Problem;
Objectives of Query Processing; Characterization of Query Processors; Layers of
Query Processing
Unit 7- Types of Distributed Databases
Introduction; Heterogeneous Distributed Databases; Developing Distributed
Database Applications; Transparency in a Distributed Database System;
Administering an Oracle Distributed Database System; Tools for Administering
Oracle Distributed Databases; Federated Distributed DBMS
Unit 8- Distributed Transaction Management
Introduction; Frame work for transaction management; Atomicity of
Distributed Transactions
Unit 9 - Distributed Database Concurrency Management
Introduction; Concurrency Control for Distributed Transactions; Concurrency
Control Based on Total Ordering; Recovery Overhead in Transaction Processing;
Read-Only Distributed Transactions
Unit 10- Distributed Database Backup and Recovery
Introduction; The Traditional Backup Process; What’s New in Backup and
Recovery?; Recovery Manager Advanced Architecture and Concepts; RMAN Repository;
RMAN Backups Concepts; Remote Backup Systems; RAID backup technology
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> BCA > BC0050