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Data Structures Using C
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Course Name
BCA (Bachelor of Computer Application)
Subject Code BC0038 (Data Structures Using C)
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Data Structures Using C Syllabus.
Unit 1Arrays, Pointers and Structures
Introduction, Definition and concept of an Array, Array Used in „C‟
Language, Single – Dimensional Arrays (One Dimensional Array) , Two Dimensional
Arrays. [Matrix],
Pointers, Declaring a pointer variable, Pointer Operators, Pointers and Arrays ,
Pointers used in function, Pointers used in an Array, Structures, Declaration of
structure ,
Initialization of structure , Processing of Structure , Structure used with an
Unit 2 Overview of Data Structures
Introduction, What is a Data Structure? , Definition of data structure , The
Abstract Level , The Application Level , Implementation Level, Data Types and
Structured Data Type, Common Structures , Abstract Data Types , Properties of
Abstract Data Type Generic Abstract Data Types, Programming with Abstract Data
Types, Pre and Post Conditions, Preconditions, Post conditions, Checking Pre &
Post Conditions , Implementation Checks Preconditions Linear Data Structure, The
Array Data Structure , Using an Array and Lists as a Data Structure , Elementary
Data Structures , What the application needs ?, Implementation methods, Non
Linear , Data Structures – Trees, Binary Tree, Hash Tables
Unit 3 Overview of Stack
Introduction, Operations of Stack, Insert / Push operation , Delete/pop
operation , Display , Stack implementation using arrays, Applications of stack.,
Stacks using structures. Sample
C programs to represents the Stack Implementation
Unit 4 Overview of Queues
Introduction, Queues and its Operations ,Different types of queues, Ordinary
queue Disadvantage of ordinary queue, Double ended queue (Deque), Circular queue
Sample C programs to represents the Queue Implementation:
Unit 5 Linked Lists
Introduction , Linear list, Linked list, Typical basic linked-list
operations, Singly-Linked Lists, Circular singly linked list, Insert a node at
the front end , Insert a node at the rear end, Delete a node from the front end
, Delete a node from the rear end , Doubly linked lists, Insert a node at the
front end , Insert a node at the rear end, Delete a node from the front end
Unit 6 Trees
Introduction, Overview of Tree Concept , Binary tree, Strictly binary tree,
Complete binary tree, Almost complete binary tree, Storage representation of a
binary tree, Various operations on binary trees using linked representation,
Insertion Operation Traversals, Binary search tree (BST) , Insertion Operation,
Searching , Other operations , find maximum value in a tree BST, To find minimum
value in a BST , Height of tree , Count nodes in a tree, Count leaves in a tree,
Delete a node from the tree
Unit 7 Graphs
Introduction, Overview of Graphs, Adjacency lists & Adjacency Matrix ,
Adjacency lists, Adjacency Matrix, Depth – First Traversal, Breadth – First
Traversal, Spanning Trees
Unit 8 Searching Methods
Introduction, Basics Searching Techniques, Self Assessment Questions ,
Algorithmic Notation Sequential Search [Linear search] , Binary Search ,
Illustration of C Programmes
Unit 9 Sorting Methods
Introduction, Overview of Sorting Methods , How do you sort? , Evaluating a
Sorting Algorithms, Stability on Sorting algorithm, Internal Sorting, Insertion
Sort , Bubble Sort, Selection Sort , Shell Sort, Quick Sort , Tree Sort External
Sorts, Merge Sort, 2-Way Merge Sort .
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