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Database Management Systems

This is the collection of Sikkim Manipal University (SMU) question and answers for Database Management Systems . It will help to prepare your examination. All question paper are classified as per semester, subject code and question type of Part A, Part B and Part C with multiple choice options as same as actual examination. SMU question papers includes year 2024, 2023, 2022 Sem I, II, III, IV, V, VI examinations of all subjects.

SMU question test set of old, last and previous year are updated regularly and it is absolutely free to use. Question paper includes Visual basic 6, VB.Net, C#, ASP.Net, Web, Oracle, Database, SQL, Software Engineering, C, C++, OOPS, MBA, MCA, BSC IT I have requested you kindly send me the question paper of Database Management Systems , SMU - Bachelor of Science in Information Technology.

Course Name        BSc IT (Bachelor of Science in Information Technology)

Subject Code       BT0066 (Database Management Systems )

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Database Management Systems Syllabus.

Unit 1: Basic Concepts of DBMS
What is Database? ; Database System Applications; Data Independence; Data Modelling for a Database; Entities and their attributes; Relationships and types. Advantages and Disadvantages of DBMS; DBMS Vs RDBMS.

Unit 2: Database System Architecture
The Three Level of the Architecture; The External Level; The conceptual Level; The Internal Level; Mapping. MySQL Architecture; SQL Server 2000 Architecture; Oracle Architecture ;Database Management System Facilities ;Database Management System Structure; Database Manager; Database Administrator; Data Dictionary Distributed Processing. Information and Communications Technology System (ICT); Client / Server Architecture.

Unit 3: Database Models and Implementation
Data Models; Relational Data Model; Hierarchical Model; Network Data Model; Object/Relational Model; Object-Oriented Model. Entity-Relationship Model; Modelling using E-R Diagrams; Notation used in E-R Model; Relationships and Relationship Types. Associative Database Model.

Unit 4: Full Organization for Conventional
DBMS Storage devices and its characteristics; Magnetic Disks; Physical Characteristics of Disks; Performance Measures of Disks; Optimization of Disk-Block Access; File Organization; Fixed-Length Records; Variable-Length Records; Organization of records in files: Sequential file Organization, Indexed Sequential Access Method (ISAM),Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM).

Unit 5: An Introduction to RDBMS
An informal look at the relational model; Relational Database Management System RDBMS Properties; Overview of Relational Query Optimization; System Catalog in a Relational DBMS; Information Stored in the System Catalog; How Catalogs are Stored.

Unit 6: An Introduction to SQL
Categories of SQL Commands; Data Definition; Data Manipulation Statements: SELECT - The Basic Form, Sub queries, Functions, GROUP BY Feature, Updating the Database; Data Definition Facilities; Views; EMBEDDED SQL: Declaring Variables and Exceptions, Embedding SQL Statements. Transactions: Consistency and Isolation,

Unit 7: Relational Algebra Basic
Operations; Union; Difference ( - );Intersection ();Cartesian Product (x).Additional Relational Algebraic Operations; Projection (); Selection (); OIN ();Division ().

Unit 8: Relational Calculus
Tuple Relational Calculus; Semantics of TRC Queries; Examples of TRC Queries; Domain Relational Calculus; Relational ALGEBRA vs. Relational CALCULUS.

Unit 9: Normalization
Functional Dependency; Anomalies in a Database; Properties of Normalized Relations; First Normalization; Second Normal Form Relation; Third Normal Form; Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BNCF);Fourth and Fifth Normal Form.

Unit 10: Distributed Databases
Structure of Distributed Database; Tradeoffs in Distributing the Database; Advantages of Data Distribution; Disadvantages of Data Distribution; Design of Distributed Databases; Data Replication; Data Fragmentation.

Unit11: Introductions to Object Oriented Database Management System
What is Next Generation Data Base System? New Database Application; what is Object Oriented Database Management System? Features of Object Oriented System; Advantages of Object Oriented Database Management System; Deficiencies of Relational Database Management System; Difference between Relational Database Management System and Object Oriented Database Management System; Alternative Objective Oriented Database Strategies.

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