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Computer Graphics

This is the collection of Sikkim Manipal University (SMU) question and answers for Computer Graphics . It will help to prepare your examination. All question paper are classified as per semester, subject code and question type of Part A, Part B and Part C with multiple choice options as same as actual examination. SMU question papers includes year 2025, 2024, 2023 Sem I, II, III, IV, V, VI examinations of all subjects.

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Course Name        BSc IT (Bachelor of Science in Information Technology)

Subject Code       BT9301 (Computer Graphics )

Get Questions        PART - A    PART - B    PART - C

Subject : Computer Graphics

     BT9301 : PART - C    

Q. 1Consider the edge flag algorithm
Contour outline:
for x+1/2>x intersection to the boundary value
For each scan line intersecting the polygon
Inside = _______
for X = 0 (left) to X=Xmax(right)
if the pixel at x is set to t
 A)True, false, set, reset
 B)False, true, reset, set
 C)False, True, set, reset
 D)True, false, set, set
Q. 2State True or False for raster-scan CRT
a. An electron gun consists of a heater and a
b. Control electrode is used to regulate the flow
of electrons
c. Focusing electrode is used to control the
direction of electron beam
 A)a-T, b-T, c-F, d-F, e-F
 B)a-I, b-F, c-T, d-T, e-F
 C)a-F, b-I, c-F, d-F, e-T
 D)a-I, b-F, c-F, d-I, e-T
Q. 3Match the following:-
Set – A
i) Used to create a clear picture
ii) Used to control the direction of the electron
iii) Used to regulate the flow of electrons
Set – B
1. Deflection yoke
2. Electron gun
3. Focusing e
 A)i)-2, ii)-3, iii)-4
 B)i)-3, ii)-4, iii)-2
 C)i)-2, ii)-4, iii)-1
 D)i)-3, ii)-1, iii)-4
Q. 4Match the following:-
Set A
i) Projection plane parallel to principal planes
ii) Projection not perpendicular to projection
iii) Projection plane not parallel to principal
Set B
1. Orthographic
2. Axonometri
 A)i)-3, ii)-4, iii)-2
 B)i)-4, ii)-1, iii)-3
 C)i)-3, ii)-4, iii)-1
 D)i)-2, ii)-4, iii)-1
Q. 5 ______ gives the correct representation of
simple incremental algorithm
 A) position = start step = increment 1. If position end end then 2 if position
 B)position = start step = increment 1. If position _ end end then 3 if position
 C)position = start step = increment 1. If position_ end end then 2 if position
 D)position = start step = increment 1. position=position_step go to 1 2. If position_end end then 3 if position
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