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Database Management Systems

This is the collection of Sikkim Manipal University (SMU) question and answers for Database Management Systems . It will help to prepare your examination. All question paper are classified as per semester, subject code and question type of Part A, Part B and Part C with multiple choice options as same as actual examination. SMU question papers includes year 2024, 2023, 2022 Sem I, II, III, IV, V, VI examinations of all subjects.

SMU question test set of old, last and previous year are updated regularly and it is absolutely free to use. Question paper includes Visual basic 6, VB.Net, C#, ASP.Net, Web, Oracle, Database, SQL, Software Engineering, C, C++, OOPS, MBA, MCA, BSC IT I have requested you kindly send me the question paper of Database Management Systems , SMU - Bachelor of Science in Information Technology.

Course Name        BSc IT (Bachelor of Science in Information Technology)

Subject Code       BT0066 (Database Management Systems )

Get Questions        PART - A    PART - B    PART - C

Subject : Database Management Systems

     BT0066 : PART - A    

Q. 1To eliminate duplicate rows _____ is used
 D)None of these
Q. 2\Which of the following is not a binary
operator in relational algebra?
Q. 3RELTAB table contains:
 A)definition of indexes
 B)definition of columns declared as unique
 C)description of user defined tables
 D)description of column defined for tables
Q. 4Which of these is incorrect statement
 A)A candidate key is minimal super key
 B)The number of tuples in a relation is called its cardinality
 C)The columns ofa relation are called tuples
 D)None of the above
Q. 5 __________rule states that every non-key
column must depend on entire key and not just
a part of the primary key
Q. 6SQL server stores index information in the
_____ system table
Q. 7Each table is in turn broken down into
__________, which is made up of ______
 A)Entity, attributes
 B)Records, fields
 C)columns, rows
 D)fields, relation
Q. 8Workstation and user connections are not the
 C)Depends upon the Licensing mode
 D)depends upon the network support
Q. 9The DBMS utility, ____ allows to
reconstruct the correct state of database from
the backup and history of transactions
 D)Data loading
Q. 10A typical db implementation can include.
 A)One user db that contains all of the data for an organization.
 B)A different db for each group in an organization.
 C)One or more db used by a single application.
 D)All of the above
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