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Free MBA Project Topics, Ideas. Download MBA, PGDITM, PGDBA Project Proposal, Abstract, Synopsis, Project Report for Final Year MBA Student. HR, Marketing, Finance, Operations, CRM Others. Latest SCDL PGDBA Project Topics for Final Year MBA, PGDIT Student.

Latest PGDITM, PGDBA, PGDBA HR, PGDBA Finance, PGDBA Marketing, PGDBA CRM, PGDBA Operations, PGDBA Accounting project list. Get Latest Project topic, Project Ideas, Propsal, Synopsis, Report and PPT

SCDL Project : MBA - PGDBA - CRM

  1. Study of CRM practices for a whole seller / dealers.
  2. CRM plan in electronic shop/Bank/Hotel/Retail Outlet.
  3. Analysis of Scope for strengthening a CRM program in Organisations
  4. Study of effectiveness of CRM system in IT / ITES companies
  5. The CRM system in an organization – a detailed analysis.
  6. Role of IT in CRM practices of an organisation
  7. Effectiveness of CRM measures of an manufacturing / service organisation
  8. Customer Retention Strategies in a manufacturing / service organisation
  9. Study /Analysis of CRM failure in an organization
  10. A study of Customer Satisfaction and Customer Delight in XYZ organisation.]
  11. Data Mining tolls in CRM
  12. Role of Regain Management in CRM
  13. Marketing Automation
  14. Collaborative CRM
  15. Analytical CRM
  16. Operational CRM
  17. Architecture Of CRM
  18. The CRM system in an organization - a detailed analysis
  19. A detail study and analysis of CRM failure in XYZ Organization

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