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Basic Web Development (Internet, HTML, Style-sheets & Basics of Multimedia)
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Course Name
MCA (Master of Computer Application)
Subject Code MC0064 (Basic Web Development (Internet, HTML, Style-sheets & Basics of Multimedia))
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Basic Web Development (Internet, HTML, Style-sheets & Basics of Multimedia) Syllabus.
Part 1: Introduction to Internet
What is Internet?: Definition, Internet from practical and technical angle,
From the practical Angle, From the Technical Angle, Who Owns and cares for the
Internet?, Owning of internet, Who Cares for Internet?, Evolution of Internet,
How old is the Internet?, What is TCP/IP?, Introduction to RFC, How Internet
Works?, Working of internet, Sending and Receiving messages, Internet
Applications, Internet Technologies, E-commerce, Java, Jini, XML, Wireless
communication; Networks: Computer Networks, Point to-Point networks, Local Area
Networks, Advantages and Disadvantages of LAN, LAN Hardware, Wide Area Networks,
Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs); Topologies: The Star, Advantages of using
star topology, Major disadvantages, The Ring, The Bus, Advantages of bus
topology, Major drawbacks; Media Access Control: Ethernet, Token Ring; OSI Model
of ISO: Introduction, The seven layers in the ISO model, Roles of each layer,
The Physical layer, Data link layer, 3 The Network Layer, The Transport layer,
The Session Layer, The Presentation layer, The Application Layer; Network
Protocols: SPX/IPX for DOS, TCP/IP for UNIX.
Part 2: Connecting to Internet
Client- server model : Introduction , Server, Client, Mail servers, FTP
servers, News servers, IRC servers; Getting Connected: Accessing the internet
via your local network, Choosing a computer, Choosing a modem; Different Types
of Connections: Dialup Connections, Conventional Dial-UP Shell Account, Protocol
Dial-up (TCP/IP Account), PPP and SLIP, Dial-UP or On-Demand TCP/IP link through
your LAN, ISDN, ADSL, and Leased Line Connections, ISDN Advantages, Cable & DSS
Internet accounts, Requirements for connections, For Shell Account, For TCP/IP
Account, TCP/IP Software, Web Browser; Internet Service Providers: Choosing an
ISP, User ID-Telephone Ratio, Interface simplicity, Roaming Facility, Multiple
Login Facility, Special Packages, Support, Discounts on renewal, Brochure-speak;
Address in Internet: Introduction, The Domain name system and DNS Servers, IP
Addresses; Classes of Networks: Class A: over 16 million Served, Class B: Larger
nets, Class C: Addresses, Other Classes, Subnet masks; Resource Addressing: URL
(Uniform Resource Locator), URLS and HOST names, URLS and Port numbers,
Pathnames ; Interim Solutions for crisis on the net: Classless Internet Domain
Routing, or CIDR, The Internet's next Generation of Addressing Ipng.
Part 3: Email Intranet and Internet
Introduction to intranet , Internet, Intranets vs. LANs; E-Mail Basics,
Meaning and definition of email, Difference between E-mail and paper mail,
E-Mail Services, E-mail Networks, Gateways, Closed user groups; Parts of an E
mail Message: Components of Email, Headers, Message Body, Signature, Using
Smileys, Emotions and Abbreviations, Common E-mail Terms, Basic E-Mail
Functions, Using E-Mail from Shell Program, Uses of E-mail, Advantages,
Drawbacks; Mail Protocols: SMTP, POP, IMAP, MIME and S/MIME, UUCP; How to Access
the Mail System: Ways of Accessing E-Mail, How does E-Mail Works?, Understanding
Internet E-Mail Addresses.
Part 4: Web Browsers
Terminologies used with reference to web browsers: Clients and Servers,
URLS, HTTP, HTML, Java and JavaScript, VBScript and ActiveX Controls, XML, Web
Sound and Video Sounds, Multimedia; WWW Browsers: Introduction, HOW does a web
Browser works, Basic Features of Browsers, The Web Browser's Window, Menu Bar,
The individual pull-down menus are, Keeping Track of Your Favorite Web Sites,
Bookmarks, History List, Reading a Web Page, Printing Displayed Pages and Forms,
Saving Web Pages, Personalization of Browsers, Introduction, Common ways to
personalize your browser environment, WWW Servers.
Part 5: Introduction to HTML
What is the World Wide Web: Introduction, Evolution of WWW, Mechanism of the
web, Introduction to URIs, Fragment identifiers, Relative URIs; HTML:
Introduction, Definitions , Document overview , Definitions, History of HTML,
SGML, Constructs used in HTML, Adding Tags, Including Attributes, Applying
Structure Tags, Elements of HTML Syntax, Text; Basic Structure of an HTML
Document: Defining HTML Documents with the HTML Element, Describing Documents
with the Head Element, Naming Documents with the Title Element, Wrapping Your
Content with the Body Element, Two Categories of Body Elements, Footer, Viewing
the HTML Source, HTML's Rules of Nesting.
Part 6: Elements of HTML
Introduction; Text Tags: Using Block-Level Elements to Structure the
DOCUMENT, Using Text-Level Elements, Tag: <ABBR> ...</ABBR> or <ACRONYM> .
..</ACRONYM>, Quotations: The BLOCKQUOTE and Q elements, Subscripts and
superscripts: the SUB and SUP Elements; Lines and Paragraphs: Paragraphs: the P
element, Controlling line breaks, Forcing a line break: the BR element ,
Prohibiting a line break , Hyphenation, Preformatted text: The PRE element,CITE,
CODE, Tag: <DEL> ...</DEL>, Tag: <INS> ...</INS>,Tag: <DFN> ...</DFN>,Tag: <EM>
...<IEM>, Tag: <KBD> ...</KBD>, Tag: <SAMP> ...</SAMP>, Tag: <STRONG>
...</STRONG>,Tag: <VAR> ...<NAR>; Controlling the overall Appearance of the
page: Displaying wallpaper in the Background, Choosing Colours for Text and
Links, Presentation Controls / Text presentation Tags, Tag: <B> ...</B>, Tag:
<I> ...</I>, Tag: <U> ...</U>, Tag: <STRIKE> ...</STRIKE>, Tag. <BIG> ...</BIG>,
Tag: <SMALL> ...</SMALL>, Tag: <TT> ...</TT>; Lists: Tag: <LI>, Tag: <UL>
...</UL>,Tag: <OL> ……..</OL>, Tag: <DT>, Tag: < DD>, Tag: <DL> ...</DL>, Tag:
<DIR> ...</DIR>, Tag: <MENU> ...</MENU>.
Part 7: Tables
Introduction; Introduction to tables; Elements for constructing tables: The
TABLE element, Attribute definitions, Table directionality, Table Captions: The
CAPTION element, Row groups: the THEAD, TFOOT, and TBODY elements; Column
groups: the COLGROUP and COL elements: The COLGROUP element, The COL element,
Table rows: The TR element,Table cells: The TH and TD elements, Cells that span
several rows or columns ; Table formatting by visual user agents: Borders and
rules, Horizontal and vertical alignment, Cell margins; Table rendering by
non-visual user agents: Associating header information with data cells,
Categorizing cells; Sample table.
Part 8: Links and Anchors
Introduction; Introduction to links and anchors: Visiting a linked resource,
Other link relationships, Specifying anchors and links, Link titles,
Internationalization and links; The A element: Nested links are illegal, Anchors
with the id attribute, Use id or name, Unavailable and unidentifiable resources;
Document relationships: the LINK element: Forward and reverse links, Links and
external style sheets, Links and search engines, Adding a Link to your Email
Address; Introduction to objects, images, and applets, Including an image: the
IMG element, Generic inclusion: the OBJECT element, Rules for rendering objects,
Object initialization: the PARAM element, Global naming schemes for objects,
Object declarations and instantiations, Including an applet: the APPLET element,
Notes on embedded documents, Image maps, Client-side image maps: the MAP and
AREA elements, Server-side image maps; Visual presentation of images, objects,
and applets: Width and height, White space around images and objects, Borders,
Alignment, How to specify alternate text.
Part 9: Frames and Style Sheets
Introduction; Introduction to frames; Layout of frames: The FRAMESET
element, Nested frame sets , Sharing data among frames , The FRAME element,
Setting the initial contents of a frame , Visual rendering of a frame ;
Specifying target frame information: Setting the default target for links,
Target semantics; Alternate content: The NOFRAMES element, Long descriptions of
frames; Inline frames: the IFRAME element, Introduction to style sheets: HTML 4
provides support for the following style sheet features, Adding style to HTML,
Setting the default style sheet language, Inline style information, Header style
information: the STYLE element, Media types.
Part 10: Forms
Introduction; Introduction to forms; Controls: Control types; The FORM
element; The INPUT element: Control types created with INPUT, Examples of forms
containing INPUT controls; The BUTTON element; The Select, Optgroup, and Option
elements; SELECT Attribute definitions, Pre-selected options, OPTGROUP Attribute
definitions, OPTION Attribute definitions; The TEXTAREA element; The ISINDEX
element; Labels: The LABEL element, Adding structure to forms: the FIELDSET and
LEGEND elements; Giving focus to an element:
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