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Computer Fundamentals

This is the collection of Sikkim Manipal University (SMU) question and answers for Computer Fundamentals. It will help to prepare your examination. All question paper are classified as per semester, subject code and question type of Part A, Part B and Part C with multiple choice options as same as actual examination. SMU question papers includes year 2025, 2024, 2023 Sem I, II, III, IV, V, VI examinations of all subjects.

SMU question test set of old, last and previous year are updated regularly and it is absolutely free to use. Question paper includes Visual basic 6, VB.Net, C#, ASP.Net, Web, Oracle, Database, SQL, Software Engineering, C, C++, OOPS, MBA, MCA, BSC IT I have requested you kindly send me the question paper of Computer Fundamentals, SMU - Bachelor of Computer Application.

Course Name        BCA (Bachelor of Computer Application)

Subject Code       BC0035 (Computer Fundamentals)

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Computer Fundamentals Syllabus.

Unit 1 Computer Fundamentals and Electronics
Computer Fundamentals and Electronics- Historical overview-History of computers, Generation of Computer up to the present generation; Applications: Educational,
Commercial, Industrial Science and Technology, Communication, Entertainment and Multimedia Applications; Classification of Computers: Micro, Mini, Mainframe and
Super Computes. Characteristics of personal computers – speed and storage capacity; Block Diagram of Computer: Description of Each Unit ; Memory Devices, Primary
Memory, Secondary Memory – Magnetic disks, Floppy Disks, Hard disk and CD-Rom ; Input Devices: Mouse, Keyboard, Joystick, light pen, scanner, OCR, OMR, MICR,
Barcode, Reader, Voice Input, Digital Camera and Smart card ; Output devices: VDU, Printers (Impact and Non-impact), Plotters, Speakers etc.; Number System: Need for
Binary Number system in Computers, Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal, and Decimal Number System ASCII & EBCDIC.; Binary Arithmetic: Additions Subtraction, Using
1’s and 2’s complements; Digital Logic: AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR and Universal  Gates.; Boolean algebra: Basic postulates, principle of duality theorems, Simplification of expressions using postulates.

Unit 2 Introduction to Operating System and Windows XP
Introduction to Operating System - Different Types of Operating System: Single User, Multi User, batch Processing, Multiprocessing, Online and Real Time System. Window XP:
(Practical Skill only) - How does Windows differ from DOS? Why Window XP, Features of Windows XP, Installing or Removing Programs, Windows Setup (Adding or Removing
Windows Components, Windows XP tools, Handling and Manipulating Files. Window Explorer, Moving, Copying, Files in Explorer by Click & Drag method. Brief about
Windows XP Accessories etc. Multimedia: Printers, Regional Settings, Sound, System, CD player

Unit 3 MS-WORD
Introduction, Definition and Objectives of word processor, Getting into MS-Word, Creating Documents, Parts of main MS-Word windows and it’s each function, Handling and
Manipulation of text, Formatting feature, Menus, Commands, Toolbars and their Icons, Word formatting Toolbars, Printing Toolbars with it’s functions, Tables in Word,
Mail Merge: Features of Mail Merge, Steps to handle the Mail Merge operations, Macros: Macro Importance in Word, Recording Macros, Some example Exercises

Introduction, Define ESS, features of ESS, Advance Features of MS-EXCEL, Handling and Manipulating Worksheet and Workbook, Menus, Commands, Toolbars and their Icons,
All Excel related format commands (Text, Number, Date etc.), MS-Excel Formula, Types of formulas and it’s usage in different applications with appropriate examples, Handling and manipulating formulas (entering, copying, Deleting, Editing, etc.), Excel Chart and graphs, different types of Business chart created in excel
with appropriate example of each. Excel Database: Data forms, data sort, Data filters etc. Excel Functions: Statistical and Mathematical Functions with functions and example of each, Date functions,

Unit 5 MS-Power Point
Introduction, Features of Power point, Tips on Presentations, Power Point Menus, Toolbars, Navigating in power point [Handling and Manipulating Slides], Working with Power Point
(Sample Exercises), Inserting Picture, New Slides, Text etc., Copying Pictures, Text, Slides Entering Data to graph, Design Template, Master Slides, Saving Presentation, Show and Display Presentations, Auto Content Wizard

Unit 6 MS-Outlook
Introduction, What can you do with Outlook? Parts of an Outlook window, Menu and Toolbars, Working with Toolbar: Start Outlook, Address Book, Adding Contacts, Changing View, Finding a Contact, Filtering Contacts, Sorting Contacts, Tasks, Journal, Inbox, Notes etc.

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