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DBMS & SQL server

This is the collection of Sikkim Manipal University (SMU) question and answers for DBMS & SQL server. It will help to prepare your examination. All question paper are classified as per semester, subject code and question type of Part A, Part B and Part C with multiple choice options as same as actual examination. SMU question papers includes year 2024, 2023, 2022 Sem I, II, III, IV, V, VI examinations of all subjects.

SMU question test set of old, last and previous year are updated regularly and it is absolutely free to use. Question paper includes Visual basic 6, VB.Net, C#, ASP.Net, Web, Oracle, Database, SQL, Software Engineering, C, C++, OOPS, MBA, MCA, BSC IT I have requested you kindly send me the question paper of DBMS & SQL server, SMU - Master of Science in Information Technology.

Course Name        MSc IT (Master of Science in Information Technology)

Subject Code       MT0034 (DBMS & SQL server)

Get Questions        PART - A    PART - B    PART - C

Subject : DBMS & SQL server

     MT0034 : PART - A    

Q. 1The setup program creates db and log files for ________ db. i) Master ii) Model iii)Tempdb iv)msdb v) pubs vi) North wind
 A)i, iii, iv
 B)i, ii,iii, v, vi
 C)i, iii, iv, vi.
 D)All of the above
Q. 2 __________ is a precompiled, named colleen
of Transact- SQL statements that executes to
 A)Stored procedure
 D)None of the above
Q. 3In an ER model, ____ is described in the
database by storing its data.
Q. 4 _______ are physical files that are used in transact SQL Statement and operating system file names. I) *. Mdf II) *. Ndf III) *. Ldf IV) *. Mdb
 A)(I) & (IV)
 B)(I), (II), (III)
 C)(I) (III), (IV)
 D)All the above
Q. 5_______ holds all temporary tables and
temporary stored procedures
Q. 6_____ table store information about database or about the system
 D)None of these
Q. 7 ___________ clause is an additional filters that is applied to the result
 D)order by
Q. 8____is time to locate required block on a
 A)Latency time
 B)Seek time
 C)Transfer rate
 D)Lead time
Q. 9In Transaction Processing Model,
implements start, commit, abort besides read &
write & provides resilience to failures
 A)Buffer Manager
 B)Recovery Manager
 D)Transaction Manager
Q. 10____________ is full form of SQL
 A)standard query language
 B)sequential query language
 C)structured query language
 D)server side query language
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