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Advanced Operating Systems (Distributed systems)
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Course Name
MCA (Master of Computer Application)
Subject Code MC0085 (Advanced Operating Systems (Distributed systems))
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Subject : Advanced Operating Systems (Distributed systems)
MC0085 : PART - B
Q. 1 | ______ is method for logically implementing a link and the send/receive operations |
| A) | Direct or indirect communication |
| B) | Automatic or explicit buffering | | C) | Send by copy or send by reference | | D) | All of above | | | | Q. 2 | Out following ____ is not a basic computing resource |
| A) | Central Processing Unit |
| B) | Memory | | C) | Input / Output Devices | | D) | None of the above | | | | Q. 3 | True or False a. Hard Link does not associate two or more file names with same code b. Soft link is a small file that points to other file c. Hard link cant span across partitions d. Soft links cant span across partitions |
| A) | True, False, False, False |
| B) | False, True, True, True | | C) | True, True, False, False | | D) | False, True, True, False | | | | Q. 4 | _____ is the module that gives control of the CPU to the process selected by short term scheduler. |
| A) | Thread |
| B) | Dispatcher | | C) | Sheduler | | D) | None of above | | | | Q. 5 | Match the following Set A i. Ps ii. pwd Set B a. show process started by system b. show current directories c. show process started by user d. show details of 1 level down directory |
| A) | i-a, ii-b |
| B) | i-c, ii-d | | C) | i-c, ii-b | | D) | i-a, ii-d | | | |
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