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Java Programming

This is the collection of Sikkim Manipal University (SMU) question and answers for Java Programming. It will help to prepare your examination. All question paper are classified as per semester, subject code and question type of Part A, Part B and Part C with multiple choice options as same as actual examination. SMU question papers includes year 2025, 2024, 2023 Sem I, II, III, IV, V, VI examinations of all subjects.

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Course Name        MCA (Master of Computer Application)

Subject Code       MC0078 (Java Programming)

Get Questions        PART - A    PART - B    PART - C

Subject : Java Programming

     MC0078 : PART - C    

Q. 1The following, method takes a char input
and returns an int value
public int maze(char d)}
if(d=='E') return 2;
return 1;
else if(d=='S') return 3;
else if(d=='W') return 4;
return 0;
 A)Input of 'A' produces output of I
 B)Input of ‘X’ produces output of 0
 C)Q Input of 'E' produces output of 2
 D)The method fails to compile due to syntax error
Q. 2Trying to compile the following source
code produces a compiler warning to the effect
that the variable 'tmp' may not have been
1. class Demo {
2. public static void main (String args[])
3. int n = -10;
4. String t
 A)Make line 4 read, String tmp=null;
 B)Make line 4 read String tmp="";
 C)Insert a line following line 5, else tmp="not Positive";
 D)All of these changes will eliminate the warning
Q. 3In the following code for a class in which
'method' has an inner class, which variables
would the statement in
line 8 be unable to use in place of XXX?
public class Base {
static int aaa=3;
Strin bbb = "Java";
public void metho
Q. 4Assume that the following program has
been compiled and Radio.class file is in the
current directory.
class Radio {
public static void main(String args[j) {
int n = 0;
("The ray is "+args[++n]);
} <
 A)Radio alpha beta gamma
 B)java Radio gamma beta
 C)java Radio alpha gamma
 D)java Radio.class beta gamma
Q. 5Given the following method that will be
called with various input values:
public void soundOff(int x){
case 1: System.out.print("One”)
case 2: System.out.print(“Two”) break;
case 3: Systern.out.print("Three ");
 A)Input = 0, Output = "Zero"
 B)Input = 1, Output = "One"
 C)Input = 2, Output ~ "One Two"
 D)Input = 3, Output = "Three Do What?"
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