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Operating Systems

This is the collection of Sikkim Manipal University (SMU) question and answers for Operating Systems . It will help to prepare your examination. All question paper are classified as per semester, subject code and question type of Part A, Part B and Part C with multiple choice options as same as actual examination. SMU question papers includes year 2024, 2023, 2022 Sem I, II, III, IV, V, VI examinations of all subjects.

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Course Name        BSc IT (Bachelor of Science in Information Technology)

Subject Code       BT0070 (Operating Systems )

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Operating Systems Syllabus.

Unit 1: Operating System
An Introduction Definition and functions of Operating System; Evolution of Operating Systems: Simple Batch Operating Systems, Multi-programmed Batched Operating Systems, Time- Sharing operating Systems, Personal Computer Operating Systems, Multi-processor Operating Systems, Distributed Systems, Real-Time Systems; Operating system structures; Layered approach; The kernel based approach; The virtual machine approach.

Unit 2 : Process Management
What is process? Process State; Process Control Block; Process Scheduling: Schedulers, Context Switch, Operation on processes: Process Creation, Process Termination. Co-operating Processes. Threads: Why Threads? ; Advantages of Threads over Multiple processes; Disadvantages of Threads over Multiple processes; Types of Threads Combined ULT/KLT Approaches.

Unit 3: CPU
Scheduling Algorithms Basic Concepts of Scheduling: CPU-I/O Burst Cycle. CPU Scheduler, Pre-emptive / non pre-emptive scheduling, Dispatcher, Scheduling Criteria; Scheduling Algorithms, First come First Served Scheduling, Shortest-Job-First Scheduling, Priority Scheduling. Round-Robin Scheduling, Multilevel Queue Scheduling, Multilevel Feedback Queue Scheduling, Multiple-Processor Scheduling, Real-Time Scheduling; Evaluation of CPU Scheduling Algorithms, Deterministic Modelling, Queuing Models, Simulations, Implementation.

Unit 4: Process Synchronization.
Inter process Communication; Basic Structure, Naming: Direct Communication; Indirect Communication, Buffering; The Critical-section problem:TwoProcessSolution:Algorithm1, Algorithm2, Algorithm3; Multiple Process Solutions; Semaphores; Monitors; Hardware Assistance.

Unit 5: Introduction to Deadlocks
System Model: Deadlock Characterization: Necessary Conditions for Deadlock; Resource-Allocation Graph; Deadlock Handling; Deadlock Prevention; Deadlock Avoidance; Safe State; Resource-Allocation Graph Algorithm; Banker’s Algorithm; Safety Algorithm; Resource Request Algorithm. Deadlock Detection; Single Instance of a Resource; Multiple Instances of a Resource; Recovery from Deadlock.

Unit 6: Memory Management
Logical versus Physical Address Space Swapping; Contiguous Allocation; Single partition Allocation; Multiple Partition Allocation: Fragmentation; Paging: Concept of paging; Page Table Implementation; Segmentation; Concept of Segmentation; Segmentation Hardware; External Fragmentation.

Unit 7: Virtual Memory
Need for Virtual Memory Technique; Demand Paging; Page Replacement; Page Replacement Algorithms; FIFO Page Replacement Algorithm; Optimal Algorithm; LRU page Replacement Algorithm. Thrashing; Causes for Thrashing; Working Set Model; Page Fault Frequency.

Unit 8: File System Interface and Implementation
Concept of a File Attributes of a File; Operations on Files; Types of Files; Structure of File; File Access Methods: Sequential Access, Direct Access, Indexed Sequential Access. Directory Structure: Single Level Directory, Two Level Directory; Tree Structured Directories; Allocation Methods: Contiguous Allocation, Linked Allocation, Indexed Allocation; Performance Comparison. Free Space Management ;Bit Vector; Linked List; Grouping; Counting ;Directory Implementation; Linear List Hash Table.

Unit 9: Operating Systems in Distributed Processing
Characteristics of Distributed Processing; Characteristics of Parallel processing; Centralized v/s Distributed Processing; Distributed Applications; Distribution of Data; Distribution of Control; Network Operating System (NOS) Architecture; Functions of NOS; Redirection; Communication Management; File / Printer Services; Network Management software; Global Operating System (GOS); Migration; Resource Allocation / De-allocation. Remote Procedure Call (RPC); Message Passing Schemes; Types of services; RPC; Calling Procedure; Parameter Representation; Ports; Distributed File Management.

Unit 10: Security and Protection
Attacks on Security; Authentication; Browsing; Invalid Parameters; Line tapping; Improper Access Controls; Rogue Software. Computer Worms. Computer Virus; Types of Viruses; Infection Methods; Mode of Operation; Virus detection; Virus Removal; Virus Prevention. Security Design Principles; Authentication; Protection Mechanism; Encryption; Security in Distributed Environment.

Unit 11: Multiprocessor Systems
Advantages of Multiprocessors; Multiprocessor classification; Multiprocessor Interconnections; Bus-Oriented Systems; Crossbar-Connected Systems; Hyper cubes; Multistage switch-based Systems. Types of Multi-processor operating Systems; Separate supervisors; Master / slave; Symmetric. Multiprocessor Operating System functions and requirements; Operating System design and implementation issues; Process Management and scheduling; Memory Management.

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