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Fundamentals of IT

This is the collection of Sikkim Manipal University (SMU) question and answers for Fundamentals of IT . It will help to prepare your examination. All question paper are classified as per semester, subject code and question type of Part A, Part B and Part C with multiple choice options as same as actual examination. SMU question papers includes year 2024, 2023, 2022 Sem I, II, III, IV, V, VI examinations of all subjects.

SMU question test set of old, last and previous year are updated regularly and it is absolutely free to use. Question paper includes Visual basic 6, VB.Net, C#, ASP.Net, Web, Oracle, Database, SQL, Software Engineering, C, C++, OOPS, MBA, MCA, BSC IT I have requested you kindly send me the question paper of Fundamentals of IT , SMU - Bachelor of Science in Information Technology.

Course Name        BSc IT (Bachelor of Science in Information Technology)

Subject Code       BT0062 (Fundamentals of IT )

Get Questions        PART - A    PART - B    PART - C

Fundamentals of IT Syllabus.

Unit 1: History of Information
Technology History of Computers; Generation of Computers; First Generation (1940 1956)Vacuum Tubes; Second Generation (1956-1963) Transistors; Third Generation (1965-1971) Integrated Circuits; Fourth Generation (1971- Present) Microprocessors; Fifth Generation Computer. Classification of Computers; Personal Computers; Minicomputers; Mainframes computers; Super computers; Laptop/Palmtop Computers; The Impact of Information Technology on Work and Society

Unit 2: Computer Concepts
Computer Structure; Input Unit; Central Processing Unit; Arithmetic Logic Unit; Control Unit; Memory Unit; Output Unit; Hardware; Computer Software; System Software; Program Software; Application Software; Computer Languages; Operating system

Unit 3: Number Systems
Decimal Number System; Binary Number System; Binary Addition and Subtraction; Binary Multiplication and Division; Conversion from Decimal Numbers to Binary; Converting Fractions Decimal Value to Binary; Negative Numbers; Representing Negative Numbers Using Complements; Complements in Binary Number System; Gates; OR Gate; AND Gate; NOT Gate.

Unit 4: Introduction to Operating Systems
Different Types of Operating Systems; Real-time Operating System; Multi-user and Single-user Operating Systems; Multi-tasking and Single-tasking Operating Systems; Distributed Operating System; Embedded System; Introduction to Windows-XP; Features of Windows XP; Windows XP; My Documents; My Recent Documents; My Pictures; My Music ;My Computer; Control Panel; Printers and Faxes; Help and Support Search; Run; All Programs; Log Off; Turn off Computer; Copying of Files/Folders ;Recycle Bin; Windows Media Player.

Unit 5: Hardware & Software
Computer Components; Computer Memory – Packaging; Cache Memory; Hard Drive(s) – Construction; Controller Interface Types; CD-ROM; Monitor; Keyboard and Mouse; Introduction to Software; Classification of Software; Computer Programming Languages; Translators [Language Processors];Operating System;4GL (Fourth Generation Language).

Unit 6: MS-WORD – I
Starting MS-WORD; Basic Units of MS Word; Closing the MS Word Document ;Closing MS Word ;Saving the Document; Create a new Document; Opening of an Existing Document; Copy; Cut (Move);Formatting the Document; Find ;Insertion; Inserting Tables; Merge Cells; Implementing Formula on Table Contents; Formatting the Contents of the Table ;Draw Table ;Headers and Footers; Change Case.

Unit 7: MS-Excel – I
Starting of Microsoft Excel; Part of MS-Excel Window; Cell and Cell Address; Components of an Excel Workbook; Closing the Excel Workbook;
Closing the Excel; Worksheets within Workbook ;Navigate Worksheet; Enter and Edit Data; Entering and Copying the Formula; Saving the Workbook; Create a New Workbook; Opening of an Existing Workbook; To Copy Cell Contents; Moving the Cell Content; Inserting Cells; Columns and Rows; To Insert One or More Columns; To Insert One or more Rows.

Unit 8: MS-Excel – Part - II
Ranges; Common Excel Functions; Logical Functions; Auto SUM; Auto Fill; Custom List Sheet Lay Out; Alignment; Changing the Column Width; Changing the Height of the Row; Formatting the Values in Cells; Database; Charts; Database Features of Excel; Sorting the Database.

Unit 9: MS - PowerPoint
Starting of Microsoft PowerPoint; Parts of Power Point Window; Creation of PowerPoint Presentation; Save the PowerPoint presentation; Including a chart in the slide ;Importing a Data Sheet from a file; Formatting Options; Slide Transition; Different Views of the Presentation.

Unit 10: Concepts of Media
Types of Media; Text; Graphics; Sound; Animation; Video; Applications of Multimedia; Design and Multimedia; inform your users; Provide Controls. Accessibility; Alternative Version.

Unit 11: Introduction to Internet
History of Internet; Chronological Development of the Internet; Concepts of Internet; Internet backbones; How Internet Works; Requirements for Internet; Uses of Internet; Internet Use; Education; Race; and Age; Internet Explorer; Netscape; Opera; Search Engines.

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